On amendments to the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human W...

Russian Federation.The Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.On amendments to the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being of the state function to implement the licensing control activities in the area of ​​pathogens of human and animal infectious diseases (except for the cases when this activity is carried out for medical purposes) and genetic-inzhenerno modified organisms III and IV degrees of potential hazards carried out in closed systems, approved by order of the Federal service for Supervision of consumer rights protection and human welfare of 06.18.2014 number 489: Order of the Federal service for Supervision of consumer rights protection and human welfarefrom 13.06.2017 № 436. - Electronic text data (16 files).- (Moscow: GlavNIVTs UDP RF, 2018).-Access: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.Zagli.from the title page.Electronic version: Order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare on 6/13/2017 number 436 "On Amendments to the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for the implementation of the state function of licensing control activitiesthe use of infectious human and animal diseases (except for the cases when this activity is carried out for medical purposes) and genetically modified organisms, III and IV degrees of potential hazards carried out in closed systems, approved by order of the Federal service for Supervision of consumer rights protectionand welfare of 18.06.2014 number 489 "..1. Prevention and control of epidemics in Russia (the collection).electronic copy Source: PB