Educational and pedagogical heritage of Saint Joasaph Belgorod in the historical and cultural context of the XVIII century Russi...

Nekrasov, Natalia IvanovnaEducational and pedagogical heritage of Saint Joasaph Belgorod in the historical and cultural context of Russia XVIII century abstract dis.on soisk.Ouch.step.candidate of pedagogical sciences: specialty / Nekrasov Natalia Ivanovna;[A protection Place: Belgorod.state.nat.issled.Univ].- Belgorod, 2019. -26 p.;21. -Refs .: s.22-25 (28 references.)..1. Joasaph (Gorlenko Joachim A., Bishop Belgorodsky; 1705 - 1754) - Abstracts of theses.2. The people (set).3. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education.BBK 86.372.24-637ya031BBK 86.372.24-351ya031electronic copy Source: HSE "BSU".Website
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