Subjects of the mechanism of direct realization of the rights and freedoms of the individual: the theoretical and legal research

Bondarenko, Cyrus D.Subjects of the mechanism of direct realization of the rights and freedoms of the individual: the theoretical-legal research: the author's abstract dis.on soisk.Ouch.step.The master of laws: Specialty / Kira D. Bondarenko;[A protection Place: Belgorod.state.nat.issled.Univ].- Belgorod, 2018. -22 p.;21. -Refs .: s.20-22 (15 references.)..1. People (collection).2. Power (collection).3. Theory and history of the state;history of doctrines about the right and the state.BBK 67.400.3ya031electronic copy Source: HSE "BSU".Website
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