Memorable postcard with a printing from the electronic catalog of the memory books with extracts containing information about th...

Piskarevsky Memorial Museum Cemetery (St. Petersburg)Memory card with a printing of the electronic catalog of memory books with extracts containing information about the parents of Tsimmermanov Alexander Vladimirovich: (Tsimmermann Vladimir Semenovich (1878-1942) and Tsimmerman Alexander Matveyevna (1890-1942)) - Leningrad, [after 1960] -1 Postcard (With 2 plyes) -Access Mode: Internet Portal of the Presidential LibraryPostcard of the Museum of the Piscares Memorial Complex on the front side - Birch Grove with fraternal graves, contacts Museum of the Piscares memorial complex, in the upper right corner there is an image "Motherland Mother", the cover of a memory book, on the left of the inscription: "No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten,""The life of his descendants is obliged to you" on the turnover side - an extract from the law of the Russian Federation "On the perpetuation of the memory of the victims in the defense of the Fatherland"In the electronic fund of the Presidential Library, the materials of Tsimmermanov Alexander Vladimirovich, the son of Tsimmermanov Vladimir Semenovich and Zimmerman Alexandra MatveyevnaElectronic version (3 files, 300 dpi, JPEG, 8.3 MB)Copy users are not allowedZimmermanov Alexander Vladimirovich, born in 1931 - a resident of a blockade Leningrad was located in Leningrad after the death of his parents in 1942 (Father - Tsimmermanov Vladimir Semenovich, 1878-1942; Mother - Tsimmermanov Alexander Matveyevna, 1890-1942), was brought up in the family of her father's sister -Roskova Alexandra Semenovna and her husband Roskkova Panteleimon Vasilyevich - on inlets presented information from the ISP Book of Memory of St. Petersburg: about the dates of birth, place of residence, dates of death and burial places, reference to the source of information (archive) Text is printed on a typewriter - ZimmermansVladimir Semenovich (1878-1942), place of residence: Leningrad, Ul Rubinstein, House 30, Apartment 22;Date of death - January 1942;Place of burial: Bigahtinsky Cemetery Archives: ___;District: Nevsky;Card 757 - Tsimmermanov Alexander Matveyevna (1890-1942), place of residence: Leningrad, Ul Rubinstein, House 30, Apartment 22;Date of death - January 1942;Place of burial: Bigahtinsky Cemetery Archives: ___;District: Nevsky;Card 756.I Tsimmermanov, Vladimir Semenovich (1878-1942) II Tsimmermanova, Alexander Matveyevna (1890-1942) 1 Tsimmermanov, Vladimir Semenovich (1878-1942) - Documents and materials 2 Zimmermanov, Alexander Matveyevna (1890-1942) - Documents and materials3 Piskarevskoye Memorial Museum Cemetery (St. Petersburg, city) - Postcards 4 Memory about the Great Victory (Collection) 5 people (Collection) 6Russia in persons (collection) 7 Great Patriotic War - Human Losses - Leningrad, City - 1941-1945 - Documents and MaterialsBBK 633 (2) 622,88y1Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: From the Private Assembly
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