Sanidik Alexander Svir Monastery

Sanidik Alexandro-Svir Monastery: [Manuscript].- [B.m., 16--].-148 l.;4 °.-Instance of the library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (R. O. Inv. No. 4023) on the root with handwritten marking black ink: Alex.Mont-p № 58. on l.1 and l.148 stamp: hands.DepartureBank of the USSR.Manuscript XVII century, written in semi-supest at 148 sheets.L. 73 - Clean.The beginning of the manuscript is not preserved.From binding: the boards in the skin embossed one bottom cover and spine.From the top cover of the shabby most.Information about the manuscript is given according to the collection of the collection of Alexander-Svir Monastery of Ban, prepared by M. N. Murzanova.I. Murzanova, Maria Nikolaevna (1893-1981).II.The Russian Academy of Sciences.Library (St. Petersburg) .1.Holy Trinity Alexander-Svir monastery (Lodeynoye Field, city; Leningrad region).Library - History.2. Russian (collection).3. Synodics.4. Russian Russian Orthodox Books.5. Russian manuscripts - 17 V ..BBK 86.372.24-507Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: Bd Russian Academy of Sciences
Catalogue object