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Leningrad Pravda: the daily newspaper / body of the Leningrad Region and the Communist Party of the CPSU, the regional and urban councils of workers' deputies - Leningrad, 1918-2001;2001- -Resumed June 19, 2001Tagging: 1918 No. 50 (16 (3) Martha) - No. 58 (26 (13) Martha) - True;1918 No. 59 (27 (14) Martha) - No. 62 (30 (17) Martha) - True (Petrogradskaya Pravda);1918 No. 64 (2 Apr) - 1924 No. 18 (Jan 22) - Petrogradskaya Pravda;1924 № 19 - 20 (23 - 24 Jan) - Petrogradskaya Pravda and Red Gazeta;1924 No. 21 (Jan 28) - Leningrad Pravda and Red Gazeta;1924 № 23 - Leningrad PravdaEditors: 1918 (Nos. 54-288) - 1922 (№№ 3-35) - Editorial Board;1922 (Nos. 36-103) - responsible editor in P Milyutin;1922 (Nos. 104-297) - 1925, 1926 (Nos. 1-147) and Stapan-Skvortsov;1926 (№№ 148 - 303) - 1927 (Nos. 1 - 205) not specified;1927 (Nos. 206 - 299) - 1928 (№№ 1 - 240) - editorial board;1928 (№№ 241 - 302) - 1936 (№№ 1 - 83) - not specified;1936 (Nos. 84 - 301) - 1937 (№№ 1 - 270) Responsible editor A N Troitsky;1937 (Nos. 271 - 302) is not specified;1938 - 1939 (№№ 1 - 48) - M M Sumlezon;1939 (№№ 49 - 301) - 1941 (№№ 1 - 255) - editorial board;1941 (Nos. 256 - 313) - 1942 (№№ 1 - 122) - Responsive editor P Zolukotin;1942 № 128 - N ShumilovIn the submental: 1918 No. 50 (March 16) - No. 55 - body of the Central Committee of the RCP [b] daily newspaper;1918 No. 56 (March 23) - body of the Central and St. Petersburg Committee of the RCP (b);1918 No. 57 (March 24) - No. 128 (June 20) - body of the Central and Petrograd Committee of the RPK [B], daily newspaper;1918 No. 129 (June 21) - 1919 - body of the Central Northern Regional and Petrograd Committee of the RCP [B];1920 - 1921 - (No. 242) - body of the Petrograd provincial committee of the RCP;1921 No. 243 - 1922 No. 35 - body of the regional north-western bureau of the Central Committee and the Petrograd provincial committee of the RCP [B];1922 № 36 - - 1924 No. 18 - body of the North-Western Regional Bureau of the Central Committee of the RKP, Petrogradsky Gloves of the RCP Petrogradsky Gubfrofsovet and regional ecoso;1924 № 19/20 without subse;1924 № 23 - 1927 № 266 - body of the North-West Regional Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Leningrad Gloves of the WCP, Leningrad Gubfrofset and the regional economic meeting;1927 No. 267 - 1931 No. 343 - body of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the WCP [B], Leningrad Regional Executive Committee of the Soviets and the Leningrad Regional Council of Trade Unions;1931 No. 344 - - 1937 No. 119 - 1963 No. 15 - body of the Leningrad Regional and City Committee of the CPSU, regional and urban councils of deputies of workers;1964 from № 295 - 307, 1965 - 1972 - body of the Leningradclosure and City Committees of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, regional and urban councils of workers' deputies;1963 (Nos. 16 - 305) - 1964 (Nos. 1-294) - body of the Leningrad industrial and rural committees of the CPSU, Leningrad Public Committee of the CPSU, Leningrad Industrial and Rural Regional and Leningrad City Councils of Workers' Deputies;1977 (8 Oct) - body of the Leningrad Regional and City Committees of the CPSU, regional and urban councils of people's deputies;1990, No. 76 (4 Apr) - 1998, No. 105 - body of the Leningrad Regional and City Committees of the CPSU;1990, No. 106 (May 8) - 1990, No. 200 (31 Aug) - body of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU;1990, No. 201 (1 Sep) - 1991 (Aug) - the newspaper of the Leningrad Branch of the CPSU / Founder: Leningrad Obt CPSUPlace of publication: 1918 (№№ 54 - 107) - Edition of the Central Committee of the RCP (b);1918 (Nos. 141 - 288) - 1919 - Central Northern Regional and Petrograd Committee Committee of the Communist Party (b);1920 - 1921 (Nos. 1 - 272) - Petrograd Province Committee of the RCP (b);1921 (Nos. 273 - 276) - - 1924 (№№ 1 - 18) - Petrogubcom RKP, Gubprofset, the North-West Regional Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP and regional ecoso;1924 ([№№ 19 - 21]) - not specified;1924 (Nos. 25 - 299) - 1926 (№№ 1 - 225) - Leningrad Sponge of the WCP, Gubprofset, the North-West Regional Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSA and the regional ecoso;1926 (Nos. 226 - 303) - not specified;1991 (September) - St. PetersburgFrom April 1918Initially, the newspaper - the Central and Petrogradsky Committee of the RCP (b) was called "Petrograd Pravda" her first issue was released on April 2, 1918 from June 21, 1918, the newspaper was the authority of the Central, Northern Regional and Petrograd Committee of the RCP (b), from April 12, 1919 - the authorityThe Petrograd Committee of the Party is renamed to the Leningrad Pravda, January 30, 1924 in 1957, the newspaper was awarded the Order of Lenin to be restored until 2001 and was a socio-political newspaper.1 domestic serial and ongoing publications (collection) 2 newspapers - St. Petersburg, city 3 USSR - Socio-political life - periodicals 4 Russian Federation - Public and political life - periodicals 5 Regional newspapersBBK 633 (2-2CKT-Petersburg) 612Y51BBK 63.3 (2-2CK Petersburg) 64Y51Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: From the Private Assembly1937, № 275 (6861) (December 1) - 1937 -4 C -1 Kirov, Sergey Mironovich (1886 - 1934) - Periodicals 2 Domestic serial and continuing editions (collection) 3 Russia in persons (collection) 4 people (collection) 5 Power (Collection) 6 Territory (Collection) 7 s m Kirov (Collection) 8 Newspapers - St. Petersburg, city 9 USSR - Socio-political life - Periodicals 10 Russian Federation - Public and political life - Periodicals 11 Regional newspapersBBK 633 (2-2CT Petersburg) 6H51BBK 633 (2) 61-8Y51Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: Publishing House "St. Petersburg Vedomosti"
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