Zverev Dmitry Ivanovich //.Researchers of the Altai Territory, XVIII - the beginning of the XX century

Grishaev, Vasily Fedorovich (1926-2007).Zverev Dmitry Ivanovich / V. F. Grishaev.- -.-Bibliography at the end of the article.// Researchers of the Altai Territory, XVIII - early XX century: Bibliographic Dictionary / Committee on Culture and Tourism Administration of the Altai Territory [and others].- Barnaul, 2000. - P. 83.1. Zverev, Dmitry Ivanovich (1862-1924).2. Russia in persons (collection).3. Territory (collection).4. The territory of Russia: Altai Territory (Collection).5. History of statistics of the Altai (Mountain) County (Collection).6. Altai Territory - Research - History - 18 - 20 BB ..BBK 63.3 (2LD-4Alt) 5-8E-copy source: Altai kunbOriginal Storage Place: Altai Kunb
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