Contribution of the Western Siberian Statistical Institutions System in the development of historical local history through publ...

Skop, Vitaly Alexandrovich (1979-).Contribution of the Western Siberian Statistical Institutions System in the development of historical local history through publishing activities in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries./ V. A. Skop.- -.-Bibliography in substitution notes.// Regional science as a phenomenon of provincial culture: Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Andrei Fedorovich Palaishenkova (1886-1971) (Omsk, October 27-29, 2011) / Ministry of Culture of the Omsk Region, Omsk State Historical-Cray Museum, [and others].- Omsk, 2011. - P. 227-234.1. Territory (collection).2. The territory of Russia: Altai Territory (Collection).3. History of statistics of the Altai (Mountain) County (Collection).4. Statistical institutions - Publishing - Siberia Western - 19th.20 V .. 5. Localia historic - Altai Territory.BBK 60.601BBK 63.3 (2LD-4Alt) 5Y13E-copy source: Altai kunbOriginal Storage Place: Altai Kunb
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