Socio-psychological problems of life and stressful reactions of the population of radioactively contaminated territories of Russ...

Havylo, Alexey Viktorovich (Candidate of Psychological Sciences).Socio-psychological problems of life and stressful reactions of the population of radioactively contaminated territories of Russia after the accident at the Chernobol NPP in the remote period: the dissertation author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree of Candidate of Psychological Sciences: specialty 05.26.02 / Havylo Alexey Viktorovich;[Overlook.Center EXTREEN.and radiats.Medicine them.A.M.Nikiforov EMERCOM of Russia].- St. Petersburg, 2015. -20 s.: Il .. -Protection site: Ovrasos.Center EXTREEN.and radiats.Medicine them.A.M.Nikiforov EMERCOM of Russia.- List of work Avt.: With.17-19 (26 Names.).- on manuscript rights..-110 cop..1. Chernobyl nuclear power station (Pripyat, city; Ukraine) - Accident - Consequences - Socio-psychological studies - dissertation author's abstracts.2. Territory (collection).3. People (collection).4. Safety in emergency situations.5. Radioactive pollution - influence on the body - social and psychological studies - dissertation abstracts.BBK 53.68Y031Electronic copy source: All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine.Site
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