Evaluation of doses of irradiation of the population in the remote period after the Chernobyl accident

Vlasova, Natalia Henrykhovna (Cand. Biol. Sciences).Evaluation of the exposure doses in the remote period after the Chernobyl accident: the dissertation author's abstract on the degree of doctor of biological sciences: specialty 05.26.02 / Vlasova Natalya Henrykhovna;[Rep.NPC radiats.Medicine and human ecology (rep. Belarus)].- St. Petersburg, 2013. -38 p.: Il.;21 cm .. -Protection Place: Rep.NPC radiats.Medicine and human ecology (rep. Belarus).- List of work Avt.: With.28-38 (102 Names.).- on manuscript rights..-100 cop..1. Chernobyl nuclear power station (Pripyat, city; Ukraine) - Accident - Medical studies - dissertation abstracts.2. Chernobyl nuclear power station (Pripyat, city; Ukraine) - Accident - victims - dissertation author's abstracts.3. Territory (collection).4. People (collection).5. Safety in emergency situations by industry.6. Population - irradiation - doses - long-term consequences - dissertation abstracts.BBK 53.68Y031BBK 51.263Я031Electronic copy source: All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine.Site
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