The diploma of the statutation of the Altai District D. I. Zverev, awarded the title of corresponding of the main physical obser...

Identifier f325a95a-ac8e-4243-87d2-0a4f2fca1e67
Title The diploma of the statutation of the Altai District D. I. Zverev, awarded the title of corresponding of the main physical observatory and correspondence on the work of the Barnaul meteorological station.List of members submissions
Dates 1898.
Text language Russian
Level Case
Call number ГААК. 81 / 1 / 19
Cataloguing source PB them.B.N.Yeltsin
Series Оп. 1
Extent 27 sheets
Creator Home Geophysical Observatory.A. I. Waikova.Altai study lovers
Fonds Ф. 81. Алтайский подотдел Русского географического общества
Summary The case contains a list of urban members of the Society of Lovers of the study of Altai, Diploma D. I. Zverev, awarded title of correspondent of the Nikolaev Main Physical Observatory, Accounting Documents of the Society of Lovers of Altai, Letter I.O.Director of the Nikolaev Main Physical Observatory to I. D. Zverev about the head of the Barnaul Meteorological Station, etc.
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