The evolution of the system of shock vocalism in the light of synchronous data (on the material of the Cayian dialect of the Ver...

Korobeynikova, Tatiana NikolaevnaThe evolution of the impact vocalism system in the light of synchronous data (on the material of the Cayian dialect of the Verkhnekamsky district of the Kirov region): the dissertation author's abstract on the degree of candidate of philological sciences: specialty 10.02.01 / Korobeynikova Tatiana Nikolaevna;[Institute of Russian Language.V.V.Vinogradova wound].- Moscow, 2015. -29 p.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: with.28-29 (7 Names.) And in the substitution.Note..-100 cop..1. Russian language (collection).2. Territory of Russia: Kirov region (Collection).3. Russian.BBK 81.411.2-025.7Я031Source of electronic copies: Iir RAS.Site
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