Model of the language identity of the representative of youth subcultures

Huranova, Lana AhmedovnaModel of the linguistic personality of the representative of youth subcultures: the dissertation author's abstract on the degree of candidate of philological sciences: specialty 10.02.19 / Huranova Lana Akhmedovna;[Protection Place: Cabard Balcar.StateUniversity.HM.Berbekova].- Nalchik, 2018. -26 p.;21. -Bibliogr.: With.25-26 (10 Names.)..1. People (collection).2. Language theory.3. Psycholinguistics - dissertation abstracts.4. Russian language - Dialects Professional and Social - dissertation abstracts.BBK 81.411.2-025.7Я031BBK 81.006Я031Electronic copy source: Kabardino-Balkarian gu.Site
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