Public library in the system of continuous library and informational education

Avramova, Elena ViktorovnaPublic library in the system of continuous library and informational education: the dissertation author's abstract on the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences: specialty 05.25.03 / Avramova Elena Viktorovna;[Place of protection: S.-Petersburg.StateUniversity of culture and art].- St. Petersburg, 2017. -24 s.;21. -Bibliography: with.20-23 (26 Names.)..1. People (collection).2. Library science, bibliography and bidders.3. Culture.The science.Enlightenment - library business.Library science - library education - Russian Federation - advanced training.4. Culture.The science.Enlightenment - library business.Library science - library business - Russian Federation - library network.Types of libraries.Separate libraries - National Library Network - State Public Libraries.BBK 78.347.22 (2LD) Ya031Source of an electronic copy: SPbgik.Site
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