Pop-jazz music in the cultural space of the USSR (20 - 30s. XX century)

Politkovskaya, Ksenia ValerievnaPop-jazz music in the cultural space of the USSR (20 - 30s. XX century): the dissertation author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree candidate of cultural studies: 24.00.01 - theory and history of culture / Politkovskaya Ksenia Valerievna;Russian State Institute of Stage Arts.- St. Petersburg: [b.and.], 2018. -21 s.;21. -Bibliography: with.20-21..-100 cop..I. Russian State Institute of Scenic Arts (St. Petersburg) .1.People (collection).2. Estrada - USSR.3. Estrada Musical - Russia - 1st third 20 V .. 4. Estrada Russian Soviet.5. Jazz Russian Soviet.6. Theory and history of culture.BBK 85.364.1 (2) 61Y031BBK 85.318.5Я031Source of an electronic copy: SPbgik.Site
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