The general arch on the empire results for the development of data of the first universal census produced on January 28, 1897.1

General Note on the Empire Results of Data Development of the First Universal Census, produced on January 28, 1897 = Releve General Pour Tout L'Empire Des Resultats Du Depouillement Des Donnees du Premier Receensement De La Population EN 1897: I-II / First Universal Census of the Russian Empire1897;Edited by N. A. Troynitsky.- St. Petersburg: Steam Type-Litography N. L. Nyrkin, 1905. -2 t .;36 cm - -Parallel title leaf in French.Text of tables in Russian and French.Printed by order of Mr. Minister of Internal Affairs..I. Toynitsky, Nikolay Alexandrovich (1842-1913).II.Russia.Universal population census (1; 1897) .1Territory (collection).2. People (collection).3. Power (collection).4. Population - Census - Russia - 1897.BBK 63.3 (20531Y13Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: SPbSU1 / [The possession of N. Troynitsky].- Steam type-lit.N. L. Nyrkin, 1905. - [4], XXI, 268 p.: tabl .. -Part of the text in French.Parallel title leaf in French.Instance with handwritten litters..I. Troynitsky, Nikolay Alexandrovich (1842-1913) .1People (collection).2. Power (collection).3. Territory (collection).4. Population - Census - Russia - 1897.BBK 63.3 (2) 531Y13Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: SPbSU
Publisher паровая типо-литография Н. Л. Ныркина
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