Universal ancient and new story from the beginning of the world to a real time.[C.12].Atlas Ancient Geography, consisting of twe...

Millo, Claude Francois Xavier (1726-1785).Universal ancient and new story from the beginning of the world to the present time: containing the history of Egyptians, Chinese, Assyriyan and Babylonian, Phoneyan, Jews, Midyan, and Persians, Indian, Scythians and Crafts, Greeks, Romans and Carthaginians, with the addition of common notes in the first four partsabout other ancient Asian peoples;And in the subsequent parts of all empires, the kingdoms, republics and other possessions, now in Europe are known: the translation from the French France of the publication / essay of the abbot of Milot.- Moscow: Pozda Selivanovsky and I. Sveshnikov, 1819-1820.-12 t .;22 cm - -Title on Shmuntitule Part 1-11: Universal History of Milot, Part 12: Stories of the Universal Part Twelfless.Atlas.Instance of the presidential library in 12 binding of the beginning of the XIX century.- SK 1801-1825 5045..1. Territory (collection).2. People (collection).3. Power (collection).4. Book monuments of the Presidential Library (Collection).5. VTB (Collection).6. Universal history.BBK 63.3 (0)Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: PB[C.12]: Atlas of ancient geography, consisting of twelve Landets, compiled by the city of Vite: with explanatory tables published by Funomy: Translation from German.- 1819. - [6], 88 p., [12] l.cards .. -Instance of the presidential library: with pencil litters: s.1, "fox" stains throughout the book block, the cover of the cover, the partial absence of the binding root (from above - 1 cm, from below - 2.5 cm), the absence of fragments of pages: 35-40, multiple page breaks, chances, chapels.- Instance of the Presidential Library: With the book sign "Guttenberg. Faust. Schaefer.".I. VIT, G..1.Book Monuments of the Presidential Library (Collection).2. VTB (Collection).3. Universal history - Atlases.4. Geographical maps.BBK 63.3 (0) y64Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: PB
Publisher издан С. Селивановским и И. Свешниковым
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