Zlatouustovsky State Drama Theater "Omnibus".Actress O. G. Zatsepina as Mrs. Pernel in the scene from the play "Tartuf" on the w...

Icyakov, Vladimir Nikolaevich (1944-)Zlatouustovsky State Drama Theater "Omnibus" Actress Og Zatsepina as Mrs. Pernel in the scene from the play "Tartuf" on the work of the Molira: [photo] / Photo in Noskova - Electronic graphic data (1 file, JPEG: 0,1MB) -Slataust, October 11, 2007 -Access Mode: Internet Portal of the Presidential LibraryTitle from the accompanying documentInformation about the photograph provided by the Zlatoust State Drama Theater "Omnibus"In the photo: Actress Olga Gennadyevna Zatsepina as Mrs. Pernel in the scene from the play "Tartuf" on the product of the Moliere Tragicomedy in 2 acts, the shooting was made during the performance of the performance on the main scene of the CGDT "Omnibus"Copying users are not allowedZlatoustovsky State Drama Theater "Omnibus" was created in the 1920s first setting - the comedy "Forest" A H Ostrovsky (dirge n in Taranov) from 1928 - theater named after the X-day anniversary of October in the 1930s, along with the drama, inThe theater was attended by opera, ballet and musical buffonad at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Theater was closed, part of the actors left to the front at the end of the war, a new troupe was formed and the theater continued the work of the play of classical and modern authors (M Gorky, and H Ostrovsky, and P Chekhov, And Korechuk, to Simonov, L Leonov, and Schok, etc.) from 1991 - Theater "Omnibus" (from Lat Omnibus) is located in the building of the former "Small Arsenal" (PL 3 International, D 2) in different years the theater was headed by directors: In Barsky, and Cherkasov, E Guryev, and Guernburg, R Romanovsky, M Lotarev, E Simonyan, in Kelle-Pelle, Yu Feketa, M Fields in 1991, the spectral "Three sisters" A P. Chekhov was awarded state-ownedPrize of the Russian FederationI "Omnibus", Zlatoustovsky State Drama Theater1 Zatresin, Olga Gennadevna - Photos 2 "Omnibus", Zlatoustovsky State Drama Theater - Production - Photos 3 Territory (Collection) 4 Territory of Russia: Chelyabinsk Region (Collection) 5 People (Collection)6 Russia in persons (collection) 7 year of the theater in Russia (Collection) 8 Documentary PhotosBBK 633 (2rone-4chel) 64-7Я611BBK 853343 (2 = 4112) 64Я611Electronic source: Zlatoustovsky State Drama Theater "Omnibus" (Chelyabinsk region)Place of storage of the original: Zlatoustovsky State Drama Theater "Omnibus" (Chelyabinsk region)
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