Issues of studying creativity V. G. Belinsky at the present stage

Issues of studying creativity V. G. Belinsky at the present stage: an interregional collection of articles / the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation;They had them.A. M. Gorky RAS;Penza State Pedagogical University.V. G. Belinsky;Association of literary museums of the Penza region;[Editorial Board: I. P. Schoblikin (responsible editor), A. S. Kurilov, A. A. Dechenko].- Penza: Publishing House PGPU, 1998. -132 p.;21 cm - -Bibliography in the text and at the end of articles..I. Schoblikin, Ivan Pavlovich (doctor of philological sciences).II.Kurilov, A. S. (Doctor of Philological Sciences).III.Demchenko, A. A. (Doctor of Philological Sciences).IV.Penza State Pedagogical University.V. G. Belinsky.V. Institute of World Literature.A. M. Gorky (Moscow).Vi.Association of state literary and memorial museums of the Penza region.1.Belinsky, Vissarion Grigorievich (1811 - 1848) - Study - Collections.2. V.G.Belinsky (Collection).3. Russia in faces (collection).4. Russian language (collection).5. Literary criticism - Russia - 19 V.- Collections.BBK 83.3 (2 = 411.2) 52-8Belinsky V. GV683Y434Electronic copy source: PenzaOriginal storage place: Penza
Publisher Издательство ПГПУ
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