Romanov V.P. with English mines

Romanov in P with English miners: [photography] - (Kemerovo: GAUK GNBKI FIFFEDOROVA, 2021) -2 file (3 MB) -Access Mode: Internet Portal of the Presidential LibraryTitle from the accompanying documentInformation about the photograph is provided by the Museum-Reserve "Red Gorka"Electronic reproduction: Romanov in P with English miners: [photo] 1968 1 l: photo printing, whichIn the photo: Romanov in P among English mines (in the first row, the third right) during a trip to the UK in the background - copling mines - on the back side of the inscription pencil: "England 1968 with English miners of the delegation of Kuzmich Anton SavvovichRomanov Vladimir Pavlovich (1915-2002) - Soviet and Russian industrial activity, mining engineer, head of the coal mining enterprises was born on June 25, 1915 in the village The top villages of the Kursk region in the village of Kemerovo, Kemerovo Region,To them Ordzhonikidze in Novokuznetsk Kemerovo region (1948-1951), was the director of mine and in Stalin ("Cox") in Prokopyevsk (1951-1954) from 1954 to 1957, he was trained in senior engineering courses at the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute in the specialtyThe "Mining Engineer" at the end of the courses worked as the Kiselevskugol trust manager (1957-1961) was further appointed chief of the plant (later - production association) "Kuzbassugol" (1961-1978) under his leadership increased the production capacity of the enterprise, the production capacity of the enterprise began sharplyAutomation and Mechanization, the movement of the mining team "five hundred and thousands" and "millionaires"Romanov in P actively used the experience of mining enterprises of foreign countries: England, Czechoslovakia, Japan in 1978-1990 worked as the director of the Kemerovo branch of the Institute for the Advanced Studies of Steering Workers and Specialists of the Ministry of Carbon Industry of the USSR since 1994, was the director of the Shakhtar Memory Foundation for the Hero of Socialist Labor (1966) with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Medal "Sickle and Hammer" also has awards: the Order of the Labor Red Banner (1970), the Order of Honor (1995), eight medals, in such a two medal "for labor valor" twice awarded honorary title "Honored miner of Russia "Full Cavalier of three degrees Order" Miner's Glory "1 Romanov, Vladimir Pavlovich (Mining Engineer; 1915-2002) - Photos 2Coal Generals Kuzbass (Collection) 3 Russia in Persons (Collection) 4 Territory (Collection) 5 Territory of Russia: Kemerovo Oblast (Collection) 6 Coal Industry - United Kingdom - Photos 7 Miners - Photos 8 Group Portrait PhotosBBK 653051434 (4vel) y611BBK 653051434 (2-line-4km) y611BBK 633 (2run-4Kem) 633-8Я611Electronic source: Kemerovo ONBPlace of Storage Original: Museum-Reserve "Red Gorka"
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