Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky.1811-1848.

Gorbunov, K. A.Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky.1811-1848 [Maudaterial: electronic resource]: [Set of cards] / [Artists: K. A. Gorbunov, B. I. Lebedev];Editor A. Kurseyan.- Electronic data (24 files, JPEG: 22.1 MB).- (St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2022).-Access mode: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.Title from the screen.On the cover of the title: V. Belinsky.On the cover of the cover - a list of postcards included.Electronic reproduction of a set of cards: Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky.1811-1848 [Majmaterial] / [Artists: K. A. Gorbunov, B. I. Lebedev];Editor A. Kurseyan.Moscow: Soviet artist, 1962. 10 postcards in the cover: offset.A04693.12 cop.Circulation 33000 copies.Location: Children's Museum of Postcards, St. Petersburg.Contains postcards: 1. K. A. Gorbunov (1812-1893).Portrait of V. G. Belinsky.1838 Saratov State Art Museum.A. N. Radishcheva;2. B. I. Lebedev (born in 1910).V. G. Belinsky - Moscow University student.1829;3. B. I. Lebedev (born in 1910).Reading the tragedy "Dmitry Kalinin".(In student literary society).1830;4. B. I. Lebedev (born in 1910).V. G. Belinsky - Officer of "Domestic Notes".1839;5. B. I. Lebedev (born in 1910).V. G. Belinsky and N. V. Gogol.1840;6. B. I. Lebedev (born in 1910).V. G. Belinsky in the dispute with Bulgarin.1840;7. B. I. Lebedev (born in 1910).At the evening in the salon V. F. Odoyevsky.1840;8. B. I. Lebedev (born in 1910).Petersburg literary circle Belinsky.1846;9. B. I. Lebedev (born in 1910).V. G. Belinsky in St. Petersburg.1847;10. B. I. Lebedev (born in 1910).Challenge V. G. Belinsky in the III-e gendar branch.1848Copying users are not allowed..I. Lebedev, Boris Ivanovich (artist; 1910-1997).II.Kurseyan, a .. iii.Presidential Library (St. Petersburg) .1Belinsky, Vissarion Grigorievich (1811 - 1848) - sets of postcards.2. Russian (collection).3. V. G. Belinsky (Collection).4. Postcards in the Foundation of the Presidential Library (Collection).5. Art postcards - USSR - 1945-1991.BBK 83.3 (2 = 411.2) 52-8Я61Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: Children's Museum Postcards
Publisher Советский художник
Catalogue object
из 24