House of Big Coal // Red Gorka.Vol.10: Friendly Circle

Klastchikhin, Viktor Spiridonovich (1947-).House of Big Coal: Conversation M. I. Final and V. S. Klastchikhina.- - // Red Gorka: Local Lore Published: Kuzbassvuzdat, 2001-- Vol.10: Friendly circle.- 2009. - P. 8-12.I. Nidad, Mikhail Ivanovich (1932 -). 1"Red Gorka", Museum-Reserve (Kemerovo, city).2. Institute of Coal (Kemerovo, City).Museum of coal.3. Coal Generals Kuzbass (Collection).4. Territory (collection).5. The territory of Russia: Kemerovo region (collection).BBK 65.305.143.4 (2rd-4km)BBK 63.3 (2 Rubber-4Kem) 64-8Electronic source: Kemerovo ONBOriginal Storage Place: Kemerovo ONB
Publisher Кузбассвузиздат
Catalogue object