To keep the memory not rust // Red Hill.Vol.8: Kemerovo Mine

Nidov, Mikhail Ivanovich (1932-).To keep the memory not rust / M. I. Nidov.- (100 years of the Kemerovo Mine. 60 years old Celebrated the day of the miner) // Red Gorka: Local Lore Published Earls: Kuzbassvuzdat, 2001-.- Vol.8: Kemerovo Mine.- 2007. - P. 3-5.1. Central mine (Kemerovo region).2. Coal generals Kuzbass (collection).3. Territory (collection).4. The territory of Russia: Kemerovo region (collection).BBK 65.305.143.4 (2r-4km)BBK 63.3 (2rd-4Kem) 6-2Electronic source: Kemerovo ONBOriginal Storage Place: Kemerovo ONB
Publisher Кузбассвузиздат
Catalogue object