Electronic infrastructure of state and municipal management as a factor in ensuring economic security

Gromov, Ivan Alexandrovich (candidate of economic sciences).The electronic infrastructure of state and municipal administration as a factor in ensuring economic security: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences: specialty 08.00.05 / Gromov Ivan Aleksandrovich;St. Petersburg State Economic University.-St. Petersburg, 2019. -18 p.: Ill .. -Place of protection: St. Petersburg State Economic University.- Bibliography: p.17-18 (10 names)..1. Power (collection).2. Russian state and economics (collection).3. Economics and management of the national economy.4. State authorities - information security - the Russian Federation - author of dissertations.5. Public authorities - the use of information technology - the Russian Federation - author of dissertations.6. Municipal management - information support - Russian Federation - Author of dissertations.7. Municipal management - information security - Russian Federation - Author of dissertations.BBK 67.400.6ya031BBK 67.401.114y031Source of electronic copy: SPbGEU.Website
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