On the Organizational Committee for the preparation and conduct of the St. Petersburg International Law Forum

The Russian Federation.President (2018-; V.V. Putin).On the Organizational Committee for the preparation and conduct of the St. Petersburg International Law Forum: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2022 No. 55. - Moscow, 2022. -1, 3 sheets.-At the end of the text, the signature: President of the Russian Federation V. Putin.Date of signing: February 15, 2022.Electronic version of the right act (4 files, JPEG: 2.6 MB).Contains: the Regulation on the Organizational Committee for the preparation and conduct of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum: approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2022 No. 55. - published in publications: Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation of 2022, No. 8, Art.1135;The official Internet portal of legal information (www.pravo.gov.ru) dated 15.2.2022 (No. 0001202202150034).Russian President, official website.http://www.kremlin.ru/..1. St. Petersburg International Law Forum (St. Petersburg, city; 2022)-legal acts.2. Power (collection).3. The people (collection).4. Russian state and economics (collection).5. Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.BBK 63.3 (2-2SPB) 64-3K121BBK 67.02 (0) l0k121Source of electronic copy: Official Internet portal of legal information
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