Development of the currency market of Russia in modern conditions

Lukshin, Artem Mikhailovich (candidate of economic sciences).The development of the currency market of Russia in modern conditions: an abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences: specialty 08.00.10 / Lyukshin Artem Mikhailovich;[Place of protection: FSBEI in the Russian Economic University named after G.V.Plekhanova].- Moscow, 2019. -24 p.: silt.;21 cm .. -List of works Auth.: P.22-23 (11 names).- English.Yaz .. - by manuscript rights..1. Power (collection).2. Russian state and economics (collection).3. Finance, cash circulation and credit.4. Currency markets - Russian Federation - Author of dissertations.BBK 65.268.61ya031Source of an electronic copy: Russian Economic University.Website
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