Proceedings of the Tigirek reserve.Ext.1. Mining ecosystems of Southern Siberia: study, protection and rational nature managemen...

"Tigireksky", state natural reserve (Altai Territory)Proceedings of the Tigirek reserve = Procedings of the Tigirek State Nature Reserve - Barnaul: Tigireksky State Natural Reserve, 2009 - - - - - -Top: Issue 2 (2009) - the works of the Tigirek reserve = Procedings of the Tigirek State Nature ReserveSupervarry: Issue 6 (2013) - Tigireksky ReservePublisher: Issue 2 (2009) State Nature Reserve "Tigireksky";Issue 5 (2012) State Reserve "Tigireksky";Issue 6 (2013) - Tigireksky reserve-Issn 2076-73901 Tigirek State Natural Reserve (Altai Territory) - periodicals 2 Territories (collection) 3 Territory of Russia: Altai Territory (collection) 4 Protection of nature - Altai Territory - Periodic publicationsBBK 28088l6 (2ros-4alt) Y54Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Altai KunbIssue 1: Mining ecosystems of Southern Siberia: Study, Protection and rational nature management = Mountain Ecosystems of South Siberia: Study, Conservation and Rational Nature Use / First Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference, dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the Tigirek Reserve, Barnaul, March 14-172005;The Tigireksky State Natural Reserve, Service for Supervision of Environmental Management in the Altai Territory, the Altai Territory Administration, the Committee on Culture and Tourism, Altai State University, Russian representation of the World Wildlife Fund;[Redkolaria: P in Golyakov and others] - Barnaul: Publishing House "Altai Pages", 2005 -376 s: silt, table;28 cm -Parallel title sheet and resume in EnglishBibliography at the end of articles-Isbn 5-9900427-1-xI Golyakov, Pavel Vladimirovich II Russian Federation Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management of the Altai Territory III Altai Territory Administration IV Altai Regional Committee of Culture and Tourism VI Gorno-Altai State University of the VI World Wildlife Fund of Russia VII Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference,dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the organization of the Tigirek reserve (1; Barnaul; 2005) 1 Tigirek State Natural Reserve (Altai Territory)-periodicals 2 Territory (collection) 3Territory of Russia: Altai Territory (collection) 4 Altai Territory: Pages of History (Collection) 5 Natural Environment of Russia (collection) 6 Natural wealth of Russia (collection) 7 domestic serial and continuing publications (collection) 8 Conservation of Nature - Altai Territory - Periodic - PeriodicEditions 9 Ecological Systems Mountain - Siberia South - Periodic PublicationsBBK 28088l6 (2ros-4alt) Y54BBK 633 (2ros-4alt) 64y54Electronic copy source: Altai KunbOriginal storage location: Altai Kunb
ISBN 5-9900427-1-X
Publisher издательство "Алтайские страницы"
Catalogue object