N. M. Sidorov, A. S. King."V. G. Belinsky reads E. Ivanova" Dmitry Kalinin "."Etching, 1960

N. M. Sidorov, A. S. King."V. G. Belinsky reads E. Ivanova" Dmitry Kalinin "."Forman, 1960: [photos].- Penza, 1960. - Paper, etching;47x61.5cm.-Electronic reproduction (2 files).In the photographs: a picture of people's artists of the Russian Federation N. M. Sidorov and A. S. King "V. G. Belinsky reads E. Ivanova" Dmitry Kalinin "", made using the etching technique.E. Ivanova is depicted sitting at a round table, V. G. Belinsky - stands in a half -turn, with a piece of paper in his hands.Nikolai Mikhailovich Sidorov and Anna Stepanovna King - colleagues, spouses, like -minded people, folk artists of Russia, honorary citizens of the city of Penza.They were always perceived as a whole.Sidorov Nikolay Mikhailovich (1922-2009) - graphic, painter, participant in the Great Patriotic War, member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, People's Artist of the RSFSR.King Anna Stepanovna (1926-2020) - graphic, painter, member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, People's Artist of the RSFSR.Anna Stepanovna was awarded the Order of Honor.Most often, N. M. Sidorov and A. S. King in the etching technique performed their work.The main theme of the work was the city of Penza and its people, in the framework of this concept a series of graphic works were created: "Landscapes of Penza" (1957), "Penza Industrialnaya" (1959), "Penza and Penza" (1965-1986), "Penza is built"(1980-1985)," Formers of Culture and Art "(1968-1991).I. Sidorov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (artist; 1922-2009).II.King, Anna Stepanovna (artist; 1926-2020) .1.Belinsky, Vissarion Grigoryevich (1811 - 1848) - portraits.2. People (collection).3. Russia in faces (collection).4. V. G. Belinsky (collection).5. Russian etching - 19 - 20 centuries.-- Photo.BBK 83.3 (2 = 411.2) 52-8belinsky V.G.BBK 85.155.512 (2) Y611Electronic copy source: Penza aboutOriginal storage location: Penza State Local Lore Museum
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