V. G. Belinsky

Lebedev, Boris Ivanovich (artist; 1910-1997).V. G. Belinsky: drawing / artist B. I. Lebedev.- Penza, 1961. - Paper, mascara;22x16 cm. -Electronic reproduction (2 files).The portrait of V. G. Belinsky (loading, turning the face 3/4 to the right, in a suit, with a wide tie) is made using the hatching technique.From the picture of K. A. Gorbunov "Portrait of V. G. Belinsky" (1843).- copy of the Penza Museum of Local Lore with a gift inscription of the author.Lebedev Boris Ivanovich (1910-1997) - schedule, book illustrator.People's Artist of Russia (1980).Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.He lived and worked in Penza.In 1947-1948He created a large series of drawings about V. G. Belinsky to the 100th anniversary of his death.The drawings of this series were published by a separate album "V. G. Belinsky in life."1. Belinsky, Vissarion Grigoryevich (1811 - 1848) - portraits.2. People (collection).3. Russia in faces (collection).4. V. G. Belinsky (collection).5. Russian drawing - 20th century.-- Photo.BBK 83.3 (2 = 411.2) 52-8belinsky V.G.BBK 85.154 (2) Y611Electronic copy source: Penza aboutOriginal storage location: Penza State Local Lore Museum
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