A woman in the Penopovsky Old Believer community in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries.

Tikas Cheperke OrshoyaA woman in the Penopovsky Old Believer community in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries.: Based on materials from the St. Petersburg, Novgorod, Vologda and Olonets provinces: abstract of dis.... candidate of historical sciences: 07.00.07 / Tikas Cheperke Orshoya;[Place of protection: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography.Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) RAS].- St. Petersburg, 2011. -27 s .. -.1. The people (collection).2. Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology.BBK 63.3 (2) 5-284.3y031BBK 86.372.81y031Source of an electronic copy: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography.Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) RAS.Website
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