The category of emotion and means of its expression in the sports blogosphere (based on the material of Russian, English and Ger...

Ulyanova, Maria AlexandrovnaThe category of emotion and means of its expression in the sports blogosphere (based on the material of Russian, English and German football blog and comment): abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences: specialty 10.02.19 / Ulyanova Maria Alexandrovna;[Place of protection: Udmurt.state.un-t].- Izhevsk, 2017. -21 p.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.19-21 (12 names)..1. The people (collection).2. Russian language (collection).3. The theory of language.4. Philological sciences.Fiction - linguistics - Indo -European languages ​​- Germanic languages ​​- West German languages ​​- German - linguistic style.Translation - linguistic style.5. Philological sciences.Fiction - linguistics - Indo -European languages ​​- Slavic languages ​​- East Slavic languages ​​- Russian language - linguistic style.Translation - linguistic style.6. Philological sciences.Fiction - linguistics - Indo -European languages ​​- Germanic languages ​​- West German languages ​​- English - linguistic style.Translation - linguistic style.7. Philological sciences.Fiction - linguistics - general linguistics - general theoretical problems - language as a means of communication.BBK 81.432.4-55ya031BBK 81.432.1-55y031BBK 81.411.2-55y031BBK 81.006ya031Source of electronic copy: UDSU.Website
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