The history of the hostilities of the Soviet troops against the Armed Forces of the Hortist Hungary in the USSR (1941-1944)

Filonenko, Natalya ViktorovnaThe history of the hostilities of the Soviet troops against the Armed Forces of the Hortist Hungary in the USSR (1941-1944): Author of Dis.... Doctor of Historical Sciences / Filonenko Natalya Viktorovna;[Place of protection: Voronezh.state.un-t].- Voronezh, 2017. -40 s .. -.1. The people (collection).2. The memory of the Great Victory (collection).3. Domestic history.BBK 63.3 (2) 622.1y031BBK 63.3 (4ven) 622-35ya031Source of an electronic copy: VISU.Website
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