Antiquities of the Russian state, published at the highest command.Department 2. [Illustrations

Snegirev, Ivan Mikhailovich (1793-18681).Antiquities of the Russian state, published at the highest command: [branches 1-6].- Moscow: In the printing house of Alexander Semen, 1849-1853.-6 t.;32-53 cm. -At the end of the 6th department, author: I. Snegirev..1. Monuments of history and culture - Russia.2. Decorative and applied art Russian-history.BBK 63.3 (2) 4-7Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PBDepartment 2: [Illustrations / Fig.Acad.F. Solntsev].- [Moscow]: chromolithography of F. Dreger, [1851].-[4] p., 101 l.tsv.Il.;53 cm. -General title of publication on the title sheet: antiquity of the Russian state..I. Solntsev, Fedor Grigoryevich (1801-1892) .1.The year of cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia (collection).2. VTB (collection).3. Monuments of history and culture - Russia.4. Kings - life - Russia.5. Decorative and applied art Russian-history.BBK 63.3 (2) 4-7Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PB
Publisher хромолитография Ф. Дрегера
Catalogue object