On the celebration of the "Tiger Day" in the territory of the Jewish Autonomous Region

Jewish Autonomous Region.Governor.On the celebration of Tiger Day in the Jewish Autonomous Region: Resolution of the Governor of the Jewish Autonomous Region dated August 7, 2015 No. 216. - Birobidzhan, 2015. -1, 2 sheets.-At the end of the text: temporarily acting governor of the region A. B. Levintal.Electronic version of the right act (3 files).Contains: the composition of the working group for the consideration of issues related to the preparation of measures for the "Tiger Day" in the Jewish Autonomous Region: approved by the Decree of the Governor of the Jewish Autonomous Region dated August 7, 2015 No. 216.The official portal of state authorities of the Jewish Autonomous Region: https://www.eao.ru/..1. Power (collection).2. People (collection).3. Far East: Point of Attraction (collection).4. Territory (collection).5. Territory of Russia: Jewish Autonomous Region (collection).6. The Amur Tiger - Security - Russian Federation - Far East - legal acts.BBK 28.688 (2ros-6evr) K124BBK 67.407.5 (2ros-6evr) K124Source of electronic copy: Official Internet portal of legal information
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