Decree of the USSR GKO No. 2501 on the appointment of Batrakov P.K. Member of the Military Council of the Karelian Front, Kuznet...

Title Decree of the USSR GKO No. 2501 on the appointment of Batrakov P.K. Member of the Military Council of the Karelian Front, Kuznetsov M. G. - member of the Military Council of the Voronezh Front, S. S. Shatilova - Head of the Political Administration of the Voronezh Front, Rudakova MV - Head of the politicalDirectorate of the South -Western Front, Pecheritsa P. L. - member of the Military Council of the 44th Army, Grushevoy K.S. - member of the Military Council of the Northern Group of the Transcaucasian Front, A.Senko A.S. - member of the Military Council of the 58th Army, KudryavtsevV.N. - member of the Military Council of the 8th Army, Fomini A. Ya. - member of the Military Council of the Northern Group of Troops of the Transcaucasian Front, Subbotin N.E. - member of the Military Council of the 57th Army, Kolonin S.E. - member of the militaryCouncil of the 9th Army, Klokova V.Ya.- member of the Military Council of the 6th Army, Krunyukova K.V.-member of the Military Council of the 40th Army and on the liberation of Malanin M.P. From the duties of a member of the Military Council of the 40th Army, with the application of the notes of Schherbakov A.S. Stalin I. V. Stalin, combat characteristics and certificates-lenses to Batrakova P.K., Shatilova S.S., Rudakova M.V., Pecheritsa P. L., Grushevoy K. S., Usenko A.S., Kudryavtseva V.N., Kolonina S.E., Malanina Mana P., Krunyukova K.V.
Dates November 10, 1942
Notes Sending and genuine specimens
Text language Russian
Call number RGASPI.F. 644. Op.1. D. 68. L. 267;OP.2. D. 110. L. 53-90
Original location Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History
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