Regulation on the Central Commission for the restoration of the mines of Donbass and a list of issues on the restoration, constr...

Title Regulation on the Central Commission for the restoration of the mines of Donbass and a list of issues on the restoration, construction and operation of the mines of the People's Commissariat of Coal Industry of the USSR
Dates July 11, 1942
Notes Script
Text language Russian
Level Document
Call number RGA in Samara.F. R-9.State design, design and experimental Institute of Coal Machine Engineering "Giproglemash" of the USSR Ministry of Coal Industry.OP.2-6.D. 18. L. 18-18ob., 19-21ob.
Original location Russian State Archive in Samara
Cataloguing source PB named afterB.N.Yeltsin
Digital copy source Federal Archival Agency
Display format