In India

In India: Studies.Pictures: [Postcards set] / Editor E. A. Ustinova.- Electronic data (48 files, JPEG: 35.7 MB).-(St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2021).-Access mode: Internet portal of the presidential library.The title from the screen.On the valve of the cover, a list of cards included in the kit.Electronic reproduction of a set of postcards: in India: Studies.Pictures / Editor E. A. Ustinova.Moscow: Soviet artist, 1955. 24 Cards in the cover: color offset.Sh 02360. 4 p.60 kopecks.The circulation of 50,000 copies.The kit is incomplete: 1 postcard is absent.On the inside of the cover, a gift inscription with ink.Location: from a private meeting.Contains postcards: artist A. M. Gerasimov.1954: Benares;Bombay.Kuli;The city of Alvara;Delhi.Chauffeur;Calcutta.Trick Triklikein.Artist V.P. Efanov.1952: Himalayas;Indian woman;A man in a violet chalm;Worker.Artist V. S. Klimashin.1952: Prothvi-Radge artist;Evening on the caf-parade;Bombay;Indian landscape;Old nanny.Artist K.I. Finohens.1954: Aquoture;Indian ookan;In the morning on the road from Banglori to Mayor;Old Delhi;Bombay dancer.Artist S. A. Chuikov.1952: on the way;Indian bride;Young kuli;Kuli song;A student from Calcutta.Copying by users is not allowed..I. Gerasimov, Alexander Mikhailovich (artist; 1881-1963).II.Efanov, Vasily Prokofievich (1900-1978).III.Klimashin, Viktor Semenovich (artist; 1912-1960).IV.Finogenov, Konstantin Ivanovich (artist; 1902-1989).V. Chuykov, Semyon Afanasevich (artist; 1902-1980).VI.Ustinova, E. A .. VII.Presidential Library (St. Petersburg) .1.Postcards in the Fund of the Presidential Library (collection).2. Territory (collection).3. Russia - India: from the history of relationships (collection).4. Russian Painting Sovetskaya - sets of cards.5. India - history - 20th century.- Cards.6. Artistic cards-USSR-1945-1991.BBK 63.3 (5Iind) Y61BBK 85.14 (2) Y61Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: from a private meeting
Publisher Советский художник
Catalogue object
из 48