On the regulation of individual issues in the field of folk art crafts in the Republic of Mordovia

The Republic of Mordovia.Government.On the regulation of individual issues in the field of folk art crafts in the Republic of Mordovia: the Law of the Republic of Mordovia dated April 26, 2022 No. 16-Z.- Saransk, 2022. -4 sheets.-Place of signing and signature: Saransk, April 26, 2022, No. 16-Z Head of the Republic of Mordovia A. Zdunov.Electronic version of the right act (4 files).Published in the publication: official Internet portal of legal information (www.pravo.gov.ru) dated 04.28.2022 (No. 1300202204280003)..1. Power (collection).2. People (collection).3. The year of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia (collection).4. Territory of Russia: Mordovia, Republic (collection).5. Republic of Mordovia: Pages of History (collection).6. Artistic crafts - Mordovia, the republic - legal acts.BBK 71.061.2 (2ros.mor), 54k124BBK 67.401.011.2 (2ros.mor) K124Source of electronic copy: Official Internet portal of legal informationOriginal storage location: official Internet portal of legal information
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