Library.1926. No. 12. December

Library: Mass Il Journ / Founders: Mr. Culture of the USSR and others - Moscow: JSC "Book and Business", 1923- -Subtzag: 1923 No. 1, 1926 No. 10-12, 1930 No. 6 - 1935 Zhurne Biblty Theory and Practice;1923 No. 2/3 - 1926 No. 9, 1927 - 1929 No. 2 Zhurn Biblt the theory and practice organ BIBL Department of the Glavpolit Overseel (in 1927 - 1929 No. 2, the Glavpolit -Osovet authority);1929 No. 1 (3) - 1930 No. 5 Journal Organ of the Glavpolit -Osvet, Co.SPS, Apo Pura;1936 - 1940 No. 3 BIBLEC NKP, cultural inspectorate (in 1938 No. 10 - 1940 No. 3 of Kultitd) CDSSS and KPO PURCKA;1940 No. 4-6 OPR Political Service of the NKPRSFSR, Klytotd CCPS and KPO PURCKA (in 1940 No. 6 and 4)Zagl: 1923-1941 Red Librarian;1946-1991 librarian;1992 - LibraryIn the subzag: 1923 - 1924, 1926 - 1929 No. 2 of the Main Polit -Pesvet;1929 No. 1 (3) - 1930 No. 11 of the Glavpolit -Svetvet to the All -Union Central Council of Trade Unions, Apo Pura;1930 No. 12 - 1932 No. 8/9 The mass sector of the NKP, KO (in 1931 - 1932 No. 8/9 Cultor) All -Union Central Council of Trade Union, APPO Pura;1932 No. 10/12 - 1935 Mass sector (in 1933 No. 6 - 1935 No. 5 BIBL UPR) of the NKP, cultural department (in 1935 No. 7-12 Cultural Inspection) All -Union Central Council of Trade Union, AMO Pura;1936 People's Commissariat;1991 No. 10, 1992 No. 1 of the Mr. Culture of the USSR, Mr. Culture of the RSFSR, universal Confederation of Trade Unions of the USSR;1991 No. 11-12 universalPublishing House: 1923 - 1924 No. 7 "Red Nov";1924 No. 8 - 1930 Stateizer;1931-1939 Uchpegiz;1940 - 1948 No. 6 GOBL -Bibliogr Publishing House of the NKP of the RSFSR;1948 No. 7 - 1957 No. 6 Goscultosvetizdat;1957 No. 7 - 1967 No. 10;1968 No. 1-3, 5 - 1969 No. 8, 10 - 1971 No. 3, 5 - 1974 "Owns Russia";1975 - 1991 "Book";1992 No. 1 JSC "Book and Business";1992 No. 2 - 1996, 1998 - 2005 Liberia;1997 LLP "Liberia";2007 - 2014, No. 8 The Library magazine (there is no one in terms of the extent);2014, No. 9 - Lieber -Dom - ISSN 0869-4915Place of Publishing House: 1923 - 1925 No. 9, 1927 - 1941, 1946 - m;1925 No. 10 - 1926 MlThematic index of articles of the Red Librarian magazine for five years (1929-1933) (1933, No. 6-from 45-63)In 1929, the journal "Book and Trade Unions" joined (Cipher: P5/138)In the supervisor also: Mr. Culture of the RSFSR, universal Confederation of Trade Unions of the USSRIn 1941, No. 6, Zhurna temporarily stopped resumed in 1946Thematic pointer of the articles of the Red Librarian for 1923 and 1924 (1925, No. 1 - from 114-122)Since 1995, the "IFLA special tab" has been released in the total region with the journal, since 1996 with the "Event" adjustment;In 1997, on the pages of the journal, the "world of bibliography" is printed1 people (collection)Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: RSPU they Herzen1926 No. 12 December: year of Publishing House 4 / under the Red May Smushkova - 1926 - [100] s: table -Contents: Theory and practice of library work Library Life in the USSR Library Affairs abroad Bibliography - BibliographyIn the text and subscription note-6500 copiesI Smushkova, MA1 people (collection)Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: RSPU they Herzen

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