РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 1. 1 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 1. The case of various papers accepted for information and observation |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 10. Russian |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 100. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 101. The case in relation to the Governor General Prince Dolgorukov on the appointment of salary to the caretakers of the outposts in the city of Kremenchug and on their determination in Posad Kryukov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 102. The case on issues arising from the provision on June 9, 1842, regarding the advantages of service in the sparsely populated edges of the empire |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 103. The case in relation to the Department of General Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the report of the military governor of the city of Orel, on the establishment of two temporary tables at the Oryol Provincial Board of the Board and on the riots of the Yelets and Liven zemstvo courts |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 104. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of a conclusion on the reporting procedure for verbal vessels consisting with parts of the St. Petersburg Police |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 105. The case in relation to the Kyiv Governor General about the establishment in some cities of the Volyn province of verbal courts, and to destroy them in the towns of Matsesov, Zhezhv, Rashny and Makhnovka |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 106. The case in relation to the state secretary of Presen on the abolition of the office established by the Council of the Main Directorate of the Transcaucasian Territory |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 107. 1842 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 108. The case in relation to the economic department with the transfer of the relationship of Governor General Count Vorontsov about the establishment of the fourth police unit in the city of Taganrog |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 109. The case of the presentation of the Ryazan governor about the failure of the provincial board of the provincial board of cases that do not require production, and on the increase in the board of one table |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 11. The case for various decisions adopted for information and observation |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 110. The case in relation to the department of general cases on the appointment of the Tiflis military governor of Lieutenant General Brikey, a member of the Military Council, and the appointment of Lieutenant General Gurko, the head of the Civil Administration for the Caucasus |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 111. The case in relation to Governor-General Dyakov about the strengthening of the methods of city and zemstvo police of the Smolensk province through the increase in some officials |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 112. The case in relation to the Governor General Prince Dolgorukov about the appointment of a private bailiff in the place of the middle-bonno, to manage the police unit |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 113. The case in relation to the Minister of Justice about the slow production of consequences in the Saratov province from the lack of developmental bailiffs and medical officials |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 114. 1842 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 115. The case on the circular order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Observation, so that the posts of polysmasters and mayor are replaced by capable officials |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 116. The case in relation to the main about the postal department with a description of the confronting measures used in Constantinople during fires |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 117. The case on the representation of the Perm Civil Governor on the provision of benefits to employees in the city of Perm officials on the occasion of the fire there;On the appointment of a vice-governor of apartment money, surplus benefits, and so on |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 118. The case in relation to the Governor-General of Western Siberia, regarding the position of the Tomsk Civil Governor, to the chairman of Dubetskiy money, and about the canteens in general, correcting the positions of governors in Siberia |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 119. The case in relation to the Vilna Governor-General about the abolition of the posts of military-district chiefs in the provinces managed by him, on the appointment of their headquarters to him for special assignments |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 12. The City of the Senate Registrar Sobolev, about its determination to the Police Department of the Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 120. The case in relation to the Minister of War about the appointed maintenance of the St. Petersburg Military General General Adjutant General Cavelin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 121. The case of the fire of the fire department in the cities of the Smolensk province.Here about the police teams of these cities |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 122. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 123. The case of police and fire teams in the cities of the Chernihiv province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 124. The case of discharge from the journal of the Council of the Ministry of the Interior on the report of the Kerch-Ingolsky mayor, on the strengthening of a fire brigade in the city of Kerch |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 125. The case of the construction of the police and fire units in the cities of the Ryazan province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 126. The case of the fire of the fire department in the cities of the Estland province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 128. The case of the fire of the fire department in the cities of the Livonia province.Here and about the strengthening of police supervision in the Baltic port |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 129. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 13. The case of the establishment of a temporary department in the Department of Police Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 130. The case of police and fire teams of the Vilenskaya and Koven provinces |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 131. The case of the fire department in the cities of the Kaluga province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 132. The case by decree of the government Senate, on the delivery of opinions on the subject of the distinction between the St. Petersburg and Estland provinces and on the Kutterkül Estate, and the accession of the city of Narva to the Estland province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 132. The case of the police and the fire department in the cities of the Vologda province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 132. The case in relation to Major General Count Benckendorf, about taking measures to disgust abuse from the installation of typographic machines with tobacco factories, unreliability of the maintenance and free sale of liter and machine tools |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 132. The case in relation to Governor General Count Vorontsov, about the appeal of the town of Alushta to Posad and the establishment of the town hall there with the renaming of his settlement in the bourgeois |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 133. The case of the production of different persons in the following ranks |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 134. The case of determining, moving and dismissing officials of special assignments to civilian governors |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 135. The case of the dismissal of the Petrovsky mayor Major Antonovsky from this position and the appointment of Lieutenant Michurin in his place.Immediately about the dismissal of the princess Gorodnichy Kokulevsky, the transfer to his place of the Mezensky Gorodnichy Bulgakov, dismissal |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 136. The case of awarding of different persons for the exploits of humanity |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 136. The case of awarding of different persons for the exploits of humanity |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 136. The case of awarding of different persons for the exploits of humanity |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 136. 1842 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 137. The case of the appointment of pensions and the issuance of one -time benefits to officials, widows and orphans |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 137. The case of the appointment of pensions and the issuance of one -time benefits to officials, widows and orphans |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 137. The case of the appointment of pensions and the issuance of one -time benefits to officials, widows and orphans |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 137. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 137. The case of the appointment of pensions and the issuance of one -time benefits to officials, widows and orphans |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 137. The case of the appointment of pensions and the issuance of one -time benefits to officials, widows and orphans |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 137. The case of the appointment of pensions and the issuance of one -time benefits to officials, widows and orphans |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 137. The case of the appointment of pensions and the issuance of one -time benefits to officials, widows and orphans |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 137. The case of the appointment of pensions and the issuance of one -time benefits to officials, widows and orphans |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 137. The case of the appointment of pensions and the issuance of one -time benefits to officials, widows and orphans |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 137. The case of the appointment of pensions and the issuance of one -time benefits to officials, widows and orphans |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 137. The case of the appointment of pensions and the issuance of one -time benefits to officials, widows and orphans |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 137. The case of the appointment of pensions and the issuance of one -time benefits to officials, widows and orphans |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 137. The case of the appointment of pensions and the issuance of one -time benefits to officials, widows and orphans |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 138. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 139. The case of the dismissal of the Bogucharsky Gorodnichi Podanovsky from his post and the appointment of Lieutenant Mukhin in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 14. 1842 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 140. The case of determining, moving and dismissing racing castles |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 141. The case of awarding different persons by the orders of St. Stanislav of the 3rd degree according to the Statute |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 142. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 143. The case of the petitions of different persons about the definition of service |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 143. The case of the petitions of different persons about the determination to posts |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 144. The case on the special ideas of the Ministry of the Ministry of Awarding of different persons |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 145. The case of awarding of different persons for special differences |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 145. The case of a reward of different persons for different differences |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 146. The case of papers, pre -managed by belonging |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 147. The case of awarding for the exploits of humanity persons belonging to other departments |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 148. The case of the highest commands and decrees of the Government Senate, accepted for |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 149. The case of the highest commands of awarding of different persons |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 15. The case on a note of the ruler of the office of the chief director of the boundary corps, the court adviser Sakharov, on the determination of his executive police department |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 150. The case of determining, moving and dismissal of advisers of the St. Petersburg Deanery Administration |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 151. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 152. The case of determining, moving and dismissing advisers of the provincial boards in Western provinces |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 153. The case of the determination, dismissal and movement of advisers of the provincial boards |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 154. The case of determining, moving and dismissal of advisers and heads of departments of the main departments in Siberia and the chairmen of the provincial boards |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 155. The case of distribution to officials of Russian origin, serving in the provinces: Kyiv, Podolsk and Volynskaya, the right to receive the pensions granted by him in excess of the salary |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 156. The case of the dismissal of the Saratov police chief Major Bartenev from his post and the determination of Colonel Emelyanov in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 157. The case of the dismissal of the Verkhotursky Zemstvo police officer, college assessor Mikhailov from the present position and the determination of the college secretary Sorokin in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 158. The case of the permitting of different officials to wear uniforms in retired |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 159. The case of the dismissal of the Kologrivsky mayor is a collapse from office and the determination of the second secondary of Pobertyzky in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 16. The case of the request of the college registrar Friedrich Brun, about his determination to the Department of the Police of Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 160. The case of the issuance of annual salaries to officials of the salary instead of the production of them in the following ranks |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 161. The case of the death of the Serdoby city, Major Shigurin and the appointment of a headquarters captain Grudzinsky in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 162. The case of the dismissal of the Balakhninsky Gorodnichy Major Chirikov from his post and the appointment of the court adviser Kupenkov in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 163. The case of the dismissal of Krolevetsky Goroleniy Ogievsky from the present position and the appointment of Lieutenant Colonel of Zavzhevsky in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 164. The case of the dismissal of the Nizhlamovskiy city Major Skorin from the present position and the transfer to his place of the Moksha Cityman Major Pryanishnikov, and the appointment of Lieutenant Colonel Dementyev to the Mokshan, about the release of his test and about |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 165. The case of the transfer of the Bryansk city Gesling to Trubchevsk, the Roslavl Gorodnichy Tsygankov-Kurilenk in Bryansk and the determination of the city gripper in Roslavl captain Lossovsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 166. The case of the death of the Syzran city citizen Major Damich, the transfer to his place of Kadnikovsky Gorodnichy Timofeev, Velsky Gorodnichy Zhmurin in the personnel and the determination of the Gorodnichi Secretary of the Gorsky Governor in Velsk |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 167. The case of the dismissal and determination of police officers in the Vyatka province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 168. The case of the dismissal of the Yalatomsky Cityman Pishchulin and the definition of the headquarters captain Nasekin and the translation of the mayors: Kozlovsky, Dobrovolsky and Yalatomsky, Naekin, one in place of the other |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 169. The case on the representation of the Tambov governor of the Titular Advisor of Vdovitsyn and the headquarters of Lazovsky’s being under the court, which are not considered in the form of the titular adviser to the court, an obstacle to the receipt of awards.Immediately about the college secretary Sakharov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 17. The case of the application of the titular adviser Alexander Semenov, on the determination to the temporary branch of the Department of Police of the Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 170. The case of the translation of the city novokhopersky, Popov and the Nizhnedvitsky Kulberg, one in place of the other.Immediately about the transfer of police officers: Shadrinsky, Gren and Irbitsky Blansovitov, one in place of the other |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 171. The case of translating the polysmasters of the Novgorod Ginglyt and the Simbirsky Kanishchev, one in place of the other |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 172. The case of the death of the Sergachi city citizen, the headquarters captain of Fleps and the determination of the headquarters of Baron Belsky in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 173. The case on the general annual idea of awarding of different persons |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 174. The case of the death of the Zmievsky city citizen lieutenant colonel Murenkov and the appointment of Lieutenant Colonel Selikhanovich in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 175. The case of the dismissal of the Bogorodsky city -native Prince Kupriyatovich and the translation of the mayors: Kolomensky - Romanovich to Bogorodsk, and Tikhvinsky - Zengbush in Kolomna and the appointment of Lieutenant Domozhirov in Tikhvin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 176. The case of the dismissal of the Arkhangelsk police chief Major Mecker from the service and the determination of Major Solodovnikov in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 177. The case of the dismissal of the Medynsky city citizen Somov, the transfer of the mayors: Kozelsky, the headquarters of Ascherin in Medyn, and the Likhvinsky lieutenant colonel Lisenko in Kozelsk and on the appointment of Lieutenant Aleksandrov in Likhvin, the dismissal of the Medynsky Citymanniyskin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 178. The case of the dismissal of the Zubtsovsky mayor, the college assessor Davydov from his post and the appointment of Major Patsukevich in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 179. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 18. The case at the petition of the provincial secretary Solovyov, about the determination of his service in the executive police department, immediately, at the request of his permission to enter into the first legal marriage |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 180. The case in relation to the Kyiv military governor, Podolsky, Volyn Governor General of the Exodus to the ruler of his office, the state adviser Pisarev was the title of chamberlain of the court of his Imperial Majesty |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 181. The case of the death of the Volokamsky City Staff Captain Nezhdanov and the determination of captain Perfiliev in his place, about the death of this latter and on the appointment of captain Baarshmidt in his place, about his dismissal, translated to his place of a Buyskiyskoye mayor from |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 182. The case of the dismissal of a member of the Council of the Main Directorate of the Transcaucasian Territory, the state adviser Timofeev from this position |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 183. The case of the dismissal of the Bronnitsky city citizen, Colonel Lebedev and the appointment of Lieutenant Dombrovsky, Dombrovsky’s lieutenant, transferred to his place of Podolsky City Belo, Krasnoufimsky Belyaev to Podolsk and on appointment in Krasnouf |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 184. The case of the dismissal of the Zadonsky city-native captain Rusanov from his post and the appointment of the headquarters captain Popov in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 185. The case of the assignment to lower pensions |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 186. The case of the appointment of the Pereslavl city Dolgov by the police chief in Taganrog, and the Taganrog Politzmaster Colonel Slivitsky is the mayor in Pereslavl |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 187. The case of the death of the Velikolutsky city citizen Major Shenka and the appointment of Colonel Fedorov in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 188. The case of the death of the Solikamsky police officer Elagin, the transfer to his place of the Krasnoufimsky police officer Baranovsky and the appointment of the headquarters of the headquarters of Ignatieva in Solikamsk |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 189. The case of the dismissal of Kamyshlovsky Gorodnichy Strekalov from his post and the determination of the lieutenant Ilyinsky in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 19. The petition of the Provincial Secretary of Mushkovich-Posoproiko, on the determination of him to the Department of Executive Police and on dismissal on vacation and resignation |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 190. The case of the dismissal of the Astrakhan Politzmaster Ivanov from his post, approval of Lieutenant Colonel Khmelevsky as the Enotaevsky mayor and about his transfer to Astrakhan |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 191. The case of the death of Nikolsky Gorodnichy Anfimov and the appointment of Second Lieutenant Efimov in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 192. The case of the dismissal of the Kazan Politzmaster Colonel Paul from his post and the determination of Captain Krueener in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 193. The case of the dismissal of the Malo-Arkhangelsk city citizen from his post and the appointment of Major of Ordynsky, the death of Ordynsky, the transfer to his place of the Okhan city of Shchepotyev and on the appointment of Staff-Pragastist Pugachevsky in Okhansk |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 194. The case of the dismissal of the Kamyshlovsky Zemstvo police officer Guryev from office and the determination of the titular adviser to Arefiev in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 195. The case of the dismissal of the Onega city of Papkov from his post and the appointment of Second Lieutenant Volzhinsky in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 196. The case of determining the titular adviser to Sablin Gorodnichi in the city of Luga |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 197. The case of the awards of officials and other persons for 1842 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 197. The case of the awards of officials and other persons for 1842 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 198. The case of the dismissal of the Orenburg police chief captain Shcherbachev from his post and the appointment of Colonel Demostico Colonel in his place |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 199. The case of awarding officials is a sign of distinction of immunity service |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 199. The case of awarding officials is a sign of distinction of immunity service |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 2. The case of the adopted general circular of the Ministry of the Interior to take into account |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 20. The question of the request of the Obvornaya Advisor to Voevodin, about his determination to the Department of Police of the Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 200. The case of awarding different persons by the Order of St. George of the fourth grade on the Statute |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 201. The case in relation to the medical department with the adoption of papers, on the provision of a tooth doctor to Mezeritzer the right to be called the name Vallenstein |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 202. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 203. The case in relation to the Vice-Chancellor, Count Nesselrode, about the distribution of the right to issue foreign passports to the Transcaucasian Territory to go to Jerusalem |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 204. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of a conclusion about the not allowing Jews in the Bessarabian region to take to the landlords and frusters of the land processed by the villagers |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 205. The case of papers accepted for information and transferred by belonging and for the requirements for the delivery of information.Here about the transfer to temporary and other branches of cases |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 206. The matter in relation to the Department of Spiritual Affairs of Foreign Confession, about the Jews who accept the Christian faith.Immediately the circus of the governor in this subject |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 207. The case in relation to Governor General Baron Palen, about the permission of golden affairs to the master Friedrich Lange, to establish lithography in the city of Goldingen, and generally about lithographs and printing houses for 1842 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 208. Дело по донесению военного губернатора города Пскова и Псковского гражданского губернатора с представлением на утверждение правил Порховского дворянского собрания |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 209. The case in relation to the Chernigov, Kharkov and Poltava governor general about the approval of the rules for the Kremenchug noble assembly |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 21. The case at the proposal of the Mr. Minister of the Interior that information for the all -quinent annual report is collected within a whole year |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 210. The case by decree of the government Senate on the Clinic tradesman Ivan Lucine, judged on suspicion of institution in the house of his typography for printing Old Believer books and prayers |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 211. The case of a pension of the widow of Lieutenant Colonel Evnevich |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 212. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance about the opening of the exchange in the city of Rybinsk |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 213. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor about tickets to the natives of the Kingdom of Poland to live in Odessa and about the delay in their stay there |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 214. The case on the representation of the Grodno provincial leader of the nobility on the transfer of Prince Leon Sapiei from the empire to the Kingdom of Poland.Here about the resettlement of other persons to the Kingdom of Poland in 1842 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 217. Russian |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 218. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance about the bestowing of some reliefs of border trade relations with Prussia |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 219. The case against the manager of the military ministry on the transfer of Jews, living in the towns of Sokolovka and trading of the second district of the military settlement of the Kyiv and Podolsk provinces, to those places where they are recorded on the audit |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 22. The petition of the college assessor Andrei Pokrovsky, about his determination to the Police Department of the Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 220. The case in relation to the Riga Military Governor, Livonia, Estland and Courland Governor General with an submission to approve the rules of the Casino Society existing in the city of Fellin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 221. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor general about permission: can Russian subjects of free fortune go to Jerusalem for permanent stay with unlimited passports and without the payment of duties |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 222. The case on the proposal of the Tambov civil governor about the construction of a temporary prison and stage premises in the city of Kirsanov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 223. The case in relation to the position of the Arkhangelsk military governor about apartments for the chief chief of the Arkhangelsk province and the local civilian governor |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 224. The case in relation to the Chernihiv, Poltava and Kharkov General Governor General about hiring an apartment for the Kharkov Civil Governor and his office |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 225. The case of the placement of the Olonets Chamber of State Property and the Provincial Printing House |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 226. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 227. The case in relation to the office of the Executive Police Department with the adoption of the papers on the supply of the Alexander Nevsky Church located at the Vilnius Palace by some things |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 228. The case in relation to the second branch of the Executive Police Department with the adoption of papers on supplying the written type of Mecklenburg-Shweer, Medicine Doctor Herman Levental and the adoption of him in the citizenship of Russia, as well as the expulsion for grade |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 229. The case in relation to the Adjutant General, Count Benckendorf about the delivery of information about theaters, theatrical plays and about other |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 23. The request of the clerk of the executive, the execution of it, about the determination of it in the Department of the Police of the Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 230. The case on the proposal of the Perm civil governor about the purchase of a state adviser Baranova to the treasury of the house for the premises of the head of the province with the office |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 231. The case of a one -time manual to the Blokhina widow |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 232. The case in relation to the Vice-Chancellor, Count Nesselrode about the permission of the Central Asian Jews to come with caravans to the Orenburg line and to the Nizhny Novgorod Fair |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 233. FundF. 1286. The Department of Police of the Executive MinistryInventoryOP.8. 1841-1843Cases of the Police Department of the Executive Ministry of Internal Affairs for 1842CaseRGIA.F. 1286 op.8 D. 232The case in relation to the Vice-Chancellor, Count Nesselrode about the permission of the Central Asian Jews to come with caravans to the Orenburg line and to the Nizhny Novgorod Fair.November 12, 1842 - April 18, 1844IdentifierC41EA7EA-A9F8-4DBB-8EB6-268BAE6443ceThe language of the textrusNameThe case in relation to the Vice-Chancellor, Count Nesselrode about the permission of the Central Asian Jews to come with caravans to the Orenburg line and to the Nizhny Novgorod Fair.November 12, 1842 - April 18, 1844DatesNovember 12, 1842 - April 18, 1844Volume61 l.LevelCaseOrganization-Creanter of RecordingRGIAStorage cipherRGIA.1286 /8 /232NoteCase |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 234. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of a conclusion about the permission of the Jews to live in the town of the Chenigov province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 235. The case of a pension widow Papkevich |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 236. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor’s general about the not allowing Turkish natives who have entered the citizenship of Russia, to giving abroad before the expiration of three years |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 237. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor’s general about the not allowing Turkish natives who have entered the citizenship of Russia, to giving abroad before the expiration of three years |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 239. The case in relation to the Kazan military governor about the vacation of the amount for hiring a house for placing it with a chancellery |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 24. The case of the application of the titular adviser Klyuyev, about the determination of the executive police department |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 240. The case in relation to the head of the Caucasian region about the Asian Yasyryakhs located among the Mohammedan peoples |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 241. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 242. The case of the report of the St. Petersburg Civil Governor about the complaints brought by peasants and Ivanov about the burden of their landowner Wizel work |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 243. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of the conclusion in the case of the capture of the Zemstvo police of the Kirillovskaya estate, the landowner Komarovskaya, for the bad treatment of courtyard |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 244. The case of a decree of the government Senate on the delivery of an opinion on the case of lustration removed from the estate of the Chausov landowner, Count Mellin, imposed for the brutal treatment of the former temporary owner of this estate, Major Rakusa |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 245. The case of the report of the Mogilev Civil Governor about the unrest and complaints of the peasants of the Rogachev landowner Pechkovsky to burden them with taxes, and about the case of disobedience on this occasion |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 246. The case in relation to custody of young children and the estate of the deceased Hofmeister, Count Musin-Pushkin on the illegal actions of the temporary branch of the Makaryevsky Zemstvo Court, in the production of the investigation of the murder of a peasant Stepanov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 247. The case by decree of the government Senate on the delivery of the conclusion on the addition of guardianship from the estate of the landowner Andreev |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 248. The case at the request of the landowners of the Grudzinskaya and Mushnikova on their assistance to the speedy introduction to them in the possession of Folvarkov G. Glinka bought from the landowner |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 249. The case in relation to the office of the Department of Police Executive on the delivery of information on the management of the Oryol provincial actual state adviser Vasilchikov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 25. The request of the priestly son of Vasily Kazan, about his determination to serve in the Department of Police of Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 250. The case of the reporting of the Orenburg Civil Governor of Abuse of the RECRUCTION STATE in the Orenburg province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 251. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg Military Governor General about whether the landowners, whose estates are subjected to custody for cruelty with peasants, have in the service of their own courtyard people |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 252. The case of the reporting of the Poltava Civil Governor about the violent acts of the peasants of Princess Kochubey against the manager of the patrimony |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 253. The case of a note of a college assessor Gladky about the incorrect removal of him from the post of adviser to the Mogilev provincial rule |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 254. The case of the reporting of the Voronezh governor about the buoy of the state peasants of the Bogucharsky district of the village of Vorobyovka against the lower ranks of the Kargopol Dragoon Regiment |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 255. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 256. The case in relation to the Adjutant General, Count Benckendorf with the explanation of the highest command of the release of the estate of the landowner, the college assessor Raevskaya.Immediately correspondence and about the murder of her peasants |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 257. The case at the request of the wife of Lieutenant General Marya Belogradskaya regarding the work of the study of the illegal actions of various persons in the preparation of a fake spiritual testament after the death of her aunt Viscountess de Sentuan |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 258. The case at the request of Major General Count Kushev, for the wrong actions of the Lithuanian Zemstvo Police in the case of the impaired estate by his titular adviser ZVVARNITSKY |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 259. The case on the adopted adjutant Count Benckendorf, about the Saratov province provided by the adjutant with the adjutant Count Benkendorf |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 26. The case of awarding officials of the police department by the next officials for the length of service |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 260. The case in relation to Hofmarshal Olsufiev, with the transmission of the heir to the heir to the heir to the heir to the heir to his imperial highness, the titular adviser Nesmeyanov about the disobedience of his peasants |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 261. The case of a decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of an opinion on the case of taking the landowner’s estate, the provincial secretary of Nabotova for a wasteful life |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 262. The case by decree of the government Senate on the delivery of a conclusion about the establishment of custody of the estate of the ensign Zagorin for a drunk lifestyle |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 263. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 264. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the provision of the right to apply directly from ideas in present places when the disposal of these places is not affected by abuse |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 265. The case of discharge from the Vedomosti, about the incidents of the Moscow province of the village of Avizhina, about the death of the peasant landowner Zotov, Efim Grigoryev, after his punishment by the Burmistrian rods |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 266. The case by decree of the Government Senate, on the delivery of an opinion on the case of the custody of the estate of the Provincial Secretary of Apekhtin for the brutal handling of peasants |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 267. The case by decree of the Governing Senate, on the delivery of the conclusion in the case of imposing the estate of the landowner, college registrar Nikolai Artyushkov for drunk and wasteful life |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 268. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 269. The case by decree of the Government Senate, about the take as the estate of the landowner, the girl Nefedyeva for the brutal handling with the peasants |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 27. The case of the petition of the journalist of the Mogilev Chamber of State Property of the Provincial Secretary of Dekhterev on the determination of the executive and dismissal police department |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 270. The case by decree of the government Senate, on the delivery of the conclusion in the case of taking the landowner’s estate, Captain Pavel Artyushkov for cruelty with peasants |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 271. The case of the highest decree on April 2 on the contracts that the landowners are given to the landowners with their peasants |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 272. The case on the complaint of the college adviser Pashinsky about the assistance of the Orsha mayor, the military-district chief and other persons by the county doctor Zasyadko in the expression of the property remaining after the death of his brother's brother |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 273. The case of reporting the Governor of the Olonets Governor on the disobedience of state peasants of the Kargopol district in the payment of public fee |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 274. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf with the adoption of investigative cases about the family of the glass master of Davyd Hertz, who disappeared in St. Petersburg |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 275. The case on the complaint of the peasant Zubarev about providing him to receive freedom from the possession of the landowner Borodin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 276. The case of reporting the Kazan military governor about the misunderstandings of the official peasants of the Cheboksary district, on the introduction of public smells |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 277. The case on the Adjutant General, Count Benckendorf, the request of the captain Visloukhov for the illegal actions of members of the Lithuanian Zemstvo court in the production of the investigation about the murder of his aunt Golovinskaya and about otherwise |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 278. The case of discharge from the statements, about incidents in the Kyiv province: about the sudden death of the peasant Romenko and the peasant boy Klimenko, who seemed to be from the punishment |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 279. The case in relation to the Adjutant General Count Benkendorf with the adoption of the requests of the widow of Colonel Prince Kavkasidzev and the college registrar Mazurevsky on the protection of the faulty appropriation by the owners of the village of Orlovka owned by the land |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 28. The question of the request of the retired provincial secretary Nikolai Rautenberg, about his determination to the Department of Police of the Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 280. The case, on the all -quinent complaint of the peasants of the landowner, captain Fedorov, Semyon and Ignatius Sumachevs for various oppression and cruelty from their landowner. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 281. The case at the request of Princess Natalia Golitsyna about the permitting of the Burmistra of her loan of Chugunov to wear the caftan received from the gentlemen in the form of a reward |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 282. The case of the Adjutant General Count Kleinmichel, according to the highest command, the request of the peasant Ivanov to the oppression of the control of the estate of the Countess Laval Kashin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 283. The case of reporting the Perm Civil Governor that corrects the position of what happened between state peasants in Kamyshovsky district |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 284. The case by decree of the government Senate, on the delivery of the conclusion in the case of the took into the custody of the estate of the lieutenant Feoktistova for a wasteful life |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 285. By decree of the government Senate on the abolition of the decision of the Yekaterinoslav provincial rule: in the case of the cruelty of Major General Schperberg with the peasants of the landowner Obolenskaya to manage him |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 286. The case by decree of the government Senate, about taking the estate of the landowner Kvedyaev for the wasteful life and bad behavior |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 287. The case by decree of the government Senate, in the case of the removal of Lieutenant Nazimov from the estate belonging to his mother, for drunk life under the supervision of the police |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 288. The case by decree of the Government Senate, on the delivery of the conclusion in the case of the imposition of guardianship on the estate of the second lieutenant of Stragovshchikov for depraved behavior and disrespect to the mother |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 289. Russian |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 29. The case on the subject of meaning in the requirements for the Department of Experts of Experience in the Mural |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 290. The case of reporting the position of the Smolensk Civil Governor on the disobedience of the peasants of the landowner Tarnavsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 291. The case on a note about various illegal acts of the Tikhvin merchant Bryushkov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 292. The case of the reporting of the St. Petersburg Civil Governor about the landowner Kovalev’s all-in-law complaint about the constraint of them with this owner |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 293. The case on the complaint of the first guild of the merchant Akifyev about the incorrect order of the Nizhny Novgorod provincial authorities about the expulsion of him with the family from the village of Pavlova owned by Count Sheremetyev |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 294. The case of the reporting of the Penza Civil Governor about the disobedience of the peasants, who was made by the landowner Pukulov lieutenant Lachinov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 295. The case of discharge from the Vedomosti on incidents in the Nizhny Novgorod province about the death of the peasant Stepanov, followed by the beatings of the estate of the landowner Digoshel, Sadovnikov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 296. The case of the reporting of the Kostroma civil governor about the murder of the Yuryevets landowner von Schulz with his peasants |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 297. The case of a decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of an opinion in the case of a guardian of guardianship on the estate of the Borovitsky landowner Klimov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 298. The case in relation to the position of the Chernigov Civil Governor on the compiled special investigative commission in the city of Konotop on the issue of Major Yazuchevsky on the illegal actions of the boundary judge of Zarudny and other persons, according to the prince's estate |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 299. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the obligation of Major General Lasunsky, on the occasion of his reprehensible life, take his estate into the guardian order and determine the third part from the birth estate on his children |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 3. The case in relation to Count Protasov about sending to the Ryazan Construction Committee in 1826 a ticket of a borrowed bank in the amount of 1300 rubles with banknotes donated by His Grace Onisifor in favor of the Church of St. Sergius |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 30. The Chancellery Alexander Svyatogor-Shtepin, about the determination of the executive police department |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 300. The case of discharge from the statement about incidents in the Smolensk province, about the death of the courtyard man of the landowner Nakhimov, Denisov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 301. The case of the report of the Vyatka Civil Governor of the disobedience of peasants of different counties of this province against the orders of the authorities on the sowing of potatoes |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 302. The case of the reporting of the Olonets Civil Governor on calling the titular adviser to Dyachkov of the Kargopol district sheet of Eshevsky to a duel |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 303. The case of the reporting of the Kharkov Civil Governor about the murder of the Izyumian landowner Abaza by his peasants.Immediately, orders made by the highest command, about the production of consequences through the provincial leaders and gendarme staff officers |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 304. The case on the circular order to the leaders and governors about the aversion of the abuse of landowner power over the peasants |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 305. The case of the report of the Kostroma civil governor about the disobedience of the peasants of the landowner Grigorov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 306. The case at the request of the Dinburg merchant Zlatnikov about the estate around him by different persons |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 307. The case of reporting the Chernigov Civil Governor on the disobedience of the peasants of the landowner Prostokvashina |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 308. The case of the reporting of the Poltava civil governor about the riots in the estate of Count Lambert |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 309. The case of the report of the Yekaterinoslav Civil Governor about the disobedience of the peasants of the landowner Semperovich |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 31. The petition of the college secretary Pavel Puzan, on the determination of the executive police department |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 310. The case on the Adjutant General, Count Benckendorf, the request of the peasants of the post-ship factory Mr. Gubin about the ruin of their managers |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 311. The case of reporting the military governor of the city of Novgorod and the Novgorod Civil Governor of the disobedience of the peasants of the landowner Zelenin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 312. The case by decree of the Government Senate about the core of the clerk Chapyzhnikov taken to the guardianship |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 313. The case on the complaint of the landowner Pototsky for forcibly capturing him under custody and the capture of his estate for custody for cruelty with the peasants |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 314. The case of reporting the head of the Nizhny Novgorod province about the cruelty of the landowner Moiseev with his peasants |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 315. The case in relation to the Minister of Justice about the violence and resistance of the attorney of the peasants of the Yasky district, when they adopt the request of them returned by the punishment ataman |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 316. The case at the request of the Soligalist landowner Solovyov to the oppressive and incorrect actions of the local district leader, in the production of the investigation about the cruel appeal of Solovyov with his peasants |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 317. The case of the reporting of the Kostroma civil governor about the murder of the landowner Lushnin by the peasant manager of the pile -pile factory of his mechanic Mikkelson |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 318. The case in relation to the Department of General Affairs of the disobedience of the state peasants of the Ust-Sysolsky district of the Ust-Kulomsky society |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 319. The case of the report of the Perm Civil Governor of the Travels on the Sandrinsky County of the College Secretary of Pavlov, who made various interrogations to the peasants |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 32. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 320. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the custody of the estate of the landowner of the artillery Lieutenant Lopatin for cruelty with the peasants |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 321. The case of discharge from the Vedomosti on incidents in the Grodno province about the suddenness of the deceased girl Pronskaya |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 322. The case of reporting the position of the St. Petersburg Civil Governor on the indecent appeal of the priest Chulkov with his peasants and about the complaint about him by the peasant girl Petrova |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 323. The case of reporting the position of the Saratov governor about the suddenly dead girl Yakovleva, who belonged to the district chief Voloshin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 324. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of a conclusion on the complaint of Captain Efimyev about the incorrect institution of guardianship over his estate |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 325. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of an opinion in the case of the establishment of guardianship over the estate of the landowner Rodzevich |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 326. The case of the reporting of the Kazan military governor about the disobedience and riot of the Tatars of the Kazan province of the Tetyushsky district of the village of Maly Saltyk |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 327. The case at the request of the landowner of the Poltava province Sulimina about the incorrect seizure of the leader of the nobility by Ivanenkov’s estate of her |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 328. The case of the report of the Moscow Civil Governor of the attempt to send the wife of the headquarters captain to Princess Golitsyn |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 329. The case of reporting the Smolensk civilian governor about the poisoning of the landowner Voronets, her sister and mamzeli poison |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 33. The case on the note of the college registrar Alexei Adamov, on the determination of the Police Department of the Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 330. The question of the request of the soldiers of Agafia Volgina about the murder of the peasant Ivanov’s son of her cantonist |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 331. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf with the passage of the petition of the tradesman Akilin about his suspicion of the Jew of Shmuleansky in the destruction of his son |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 332. The case on the Adjutant General Count Benckendorf, the request of the landowner Fedotova about the ruin of the estate by her landowner Yakimov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 333. The case of a decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of an opinion on the case of taking the estate of the landowner Kornet Khomyakov for a wasteful life |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 334. The case in relation to the medical department relative to the late invitation by the police of doctors to open dead bodies and about observing them.Immediately circular to the governors in this subject |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 335. The case of the reporting of the Orenburg Civil Governor about the murder of the landowner Major General Tsiolkovsky by his court |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 336. The case of the reporting of the Kursk Civil Governor about the emperor submitted by the emperor with an all -depth complaint by the courtyard of the landowner Denisiev, Kovtunov, for the prodigal life of this landowner and his cruelty |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 337. The case of reporting the Tver civilian governor about the murder of the landowner, Lieutenant Colonel Sonn with his people |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 338. The case of reporting the position of the Oryol governor about the suddenly dead peasant of the landowner Plotnikova, Anisima Glotovo |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 339. The case of the reporting of the Yekaterinoslav Civil Governor about the murder of Lieutenant Khristoforov by the peasants by Krutogolov and Gnedin, and the participation of the wife of Khristoforov and Lieutenant Zaitsev in this |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 34. The petition of the college registrar Anton Balyai, about his determination to the Department of Police of Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 340. 340 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 341. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of an opinion on the take by the estate of the landowner Velimkhov for his depraved behavior of his |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 342. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf with the adoption of the all -quinent complaint of the peasants of the landowner Lyzlov, Maksimov and Fedorov, to a cruel appeal with them |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 344. The case in relation to Adjutant General, Count Benckendorf with the petition of the daughter of Lieutenant General, girl Nashchokina with a complaint against the lieutenant Prince Dolgorukov, who took possession of her estate |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 345. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 346. The case of the reporting of the Moscow Civil Governor of the suddenly dead peasant of the landowner Novosiltseva, Efima Zernov, after the punishment of Zemsky Ugarov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 347. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about cruelty to the courtyard people of the actual state adviser Krylov, and about the non-appropriate girl Efimova passport |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 348. The case of extracting from the statements about incidents in the Novgorod province about the deceased peasant Alekseev after punishment by the landowner Perfiliev |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 349. The case on the complaint of the landowner Fedorov and his wife to defeat him from the guardianship of the estate |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 35. The case at the request of the wife of tailor, the master Olga Ivanova-Berg, about the forcedness, serving in the police department of the executive, provincial secretary of Matveev to pay her husband 90 rubles with banknotes |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 350. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 351. The case of reporting the Smolensk civilian governor: 1 - about the intention of the fortress people of the landowner Praedkov to poison him with poison, 2 - on the riot of the peasants of the landowner Afrosimov, also about the capture of the estate of the latter in the guardianship |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 352. The case of an extract from the statement of incidents in the Grodno province about the attempt to poison the poisoners of the landowners of Vasilevsky and Yelets with their peasants for the cruel handling of them |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 353. The case in relation to the Minister of the Imperial Court about the prohibition on the highest command to hunt at an unnecessary time without a train of the ranger conduct and on the finalization of the one who does not fulfill his commandments |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 354. The case against the military minister about the return from Siberia to his homeland to the Grodno province of the former Cornet Kersnovsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 355. The case against Count Benckendorf about the termination of police supervision of the former Vilnius provincial marshal and the actual state adviser Romer |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 356. 356 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 357. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about the one -durus of the Grodno province Viktor Gamiletsk, who confessed to the forgery |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 358. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian Governor-General of the permission in the city of Rostov of the Yekaterinoslav province to give four-month delayed philistines and peasants arriving there for earnings.Here is the correspondence about the riots of Kherson |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 359. The case in relation to the director of the office, the master of the Minister of the Interior about the attack of the gang of armed people on the house in which the family of the Astrakhan merchant Bezhanov lived |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 36. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 360. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 361. The case on the petition of the landowner of the Kharkov province of Boguslavsky on the return of his peasant Babaev from Siberia |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 362. The case is in relation to the Adjutant General, Count Benckendorf about the expulsion of the Senate registrar Pereshchikov in the city of Vytegra under the supervision of the police.Immediately about allowing him to join the service |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 363. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of an opinion on the issue that arose in the Caucasian region, regarding the distribution of people detained there for lack of species of people |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 364. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 365. The case of the report of the Yenisei Civil Governor of the Earthquake in the Minusinsk District |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 366. The case of the submission of the Tver Civil Governor of the Tver Civil Governor of the Liberation from the police supervision of the merchant Netorotin, who was under him for an unacceptable game of cards |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 367. The case of reporting the Tver Civil Governor on the release of the teacher of Budrevich from police supervision |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 368. Russian |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 369. The case on the proposal of the Vladimir Civil Governor about the people contained in the Suzdal Trans-Jervimi Monastery |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 37. The case of the request of the teacher of the Ryazan Theological Seminary, candidate Sergei Yakhontov, about determining him to the service department of the executive police |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 370. The case in relation to Adjutant General, Count Benckendorf, about the demand by the landowner of the Olonetsk province, Belich's daughter General Zhirori to her mother, and Belich himself in St. Petersburg for legend to the court |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 371. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about the return from the Perm province to his homeland to Minsk, nobleman Ivan Rudzievsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 372. The case on the proposal of the Orenburg Civil Governor on the appointment of the main registrar to the college registrar Borzenkov. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 373. The case in relation to the commander of a separate corps of the internal guard about the omissions of the city and zemstvo police in delivering the authorities of the internal guard of information about incidents |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 374. The case in relation to Adjutant General, Count Benckendorf about the prohibition of entering Russia to a foreigner creator |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 375. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf, regarding the requirement of deserters and other fugitives transiting to Prussia from Russia |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 376. The case in relation to Adjutant General, Count Benckendorf to send the retired lieutenant Baron Reichel to one of the remote provinces for strict supervision of the police |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 377. The case in relation to the position of the head of the Caucasian region about the earthquake that happened in Anapa |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 378. The case on the proposal of the Orenburg Civil Governor on the call of the college registrar Dovbni to open a conspiracy against the government |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 379. The case in relation to the Moscow military general general about the establishment of monetary awards adjacent to the murdered wolves or the adoption of other measures to exterminate these animals adjacent to the Moscow provinces |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 38. The City of the Provincial Secretary Yegor Lavrentiev, about the determination of the executive police department |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 380. Russian |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 381. The case in relation to the Minister of the State Secretary of the Kingdom of Poland on the announcement of the headquarters captain Mamleev court decision |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 382. The case in relation to the military minister with the incidence of confirmation about the nobleman of the Vilnius province Bogdanovich and other persons destined for the intention to compile a secret society |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 383. The case in relation to the military minister about the establishment of supervision of the ensign Lorer (from state criminals) and on the prohibition of entering him to the capital |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 384. Russian |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 385. The case in relation to the military minister about the dismissal from the service of the non-commissioned officer of Borkovsky and leaving the residence in the Orenburg Territory |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 386. The case on the representation of the manager of the Kazan province about the act of the wife of the baptized Chuvash Vasiliev, Anna Ivanova, who disclosed ridiculous rumors about the former vision |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 387. The case in relation to Adjutant General, Count Benckendorf about returning to his homeland to Plotsky province from Vyatka nobleman Luki Rutkovsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 388. The case against Count Benckendorf about the act of ensign Engelgard against the former Smolensk governor of Prince Trubetskoy |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 389. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of a conclusion regarding the issuance of the Obvornaya Advisor to the Sweeter Closed receipt at the person who received the human military service, her Ivanov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 39. The case of awarding a college assessor Nikolai Kalugin Order of St. Vladimir of the 4th degree according to the Statute |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 390. The case in relation to the Vilnius military, Grodno, Minsk and Bialystok Governor General on the transfer of the former career of the Vilnius Prison Castle Joseph Korzhenevsky to use in another kind of service |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 391. The case in relation to Adjutant General, Count Benckendorf about the return from Vyatka to the homeland of the nobleman of the Podolsk province of Krzhechkovsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 392. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about transferring from Arkhangelsk to Vologda to the service of a college assessor of Savlovsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 393. The case in relation to Adjutant General, Count Benckendorf about the permitted to the Vyatka province sent to the police supervision of the nobleman Grebnitsky to arrive in Vilna for three months for a meeting with a sick wife |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 394. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about the consideration of requests submitted by persons removed from the Western provinces for belonging to secret societies and other political crimes |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 395. The case in relation to the office of the Minister of Internal Affairs about the permission of the headquarters captain, Count Konovnitsyn entrance to both capitals |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 396. The case in relation to Governor General of Smolensky, Vitebsk and Mogilev about the escape and secret marriage of the daughter of the lieutenant colonel Kashtalinskaya with Dlotovsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 397. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about the establishment for the surveillance of the supervisor living in Nizhin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 398. The case in relation to the military minister about the return from Siberia to the homeland of the Kazi-Kumyk resident of Haji Omar |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 399. The case of a passionate state secretary to Prince Golitsyn, the all-future petition of the merchant Kordakov about permission to return to his homeland |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 4. The Chancellery Makhov case on his determination to the Police Department of the Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 40. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 400. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about the expulsion of crosses from the Jews of Weiss and Ivanov with their wives, and from Moscow, the Plotger Jews in a residence in Vyatka |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 401. The case against Count Benckendorf about the prohibition of entering Russia to the French subject Andrien Paris and the Austrian subject Lorenta Lukashka |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 402. The case of the reporting of the Kaluga Civil Governor on the collapse of his daughter Semenov by the priest Semenov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 403. The case of the report of the Orlov Governor on the escape from the estate of the landowner Tinkov of the peasants |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 404. The case in relation to the chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod about the liberation of the state adviser of Piletsky from the Spasyofimyev monastery and the establishment of supervision behind him |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 405. The case of reporting the Vologda Civil Governor about five dead babies found in Vologda |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 406. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about the permission of the provincial secretary Sangushko to have a stay in the provinces, where he wishes, not excluding the capital |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 407. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about the exile of the official of the 14th grade Trubacheev to go to St. Petersburg and the Province of Novgorod, Kaluga and Tula, for four months for supervision. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 408. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about permission to enter the civil service to Perm, who was sent to Perm, but not in the Perm province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 409. The case by decree of the government Senate, about the delivery of opinions on the issue of the queen of forests from state peasants |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 41. The case at the request of the Arshenevsky court of the defense of him to the Executive Police Department.Immediately about his dismissal from the department |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 410. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about the establishment of supervision of the doctor Stravinsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 411. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benkendorf about the establishment of the most strict secret supervision of the actual student Tokarev to arrive in Moscow |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 412. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 413. The case in relation to Mr. Vice-Chancellor Count Nesselrode about the continuation for six months of action, concluded on March 17/29, 1830 between Russia and Prussia for twelve years of the Convention on the mutual issuance of deserters and fugitives |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 414. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about the expulsion of the Countess Ozizar in Kyiv for residence in one of the remote Great Russian provinces |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 415. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about the permitting the noble of the Vilnius province Andrei Podberzsky to arrive in St. Petersburg for admission to the university |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 416. The case in relation to the military minister about the dismissal of the captain from the foreign nobles of Baron Goret so that he leaves abroad |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 417. The case in relation to the Governor General of Eastern Siberia, about the permission to join the civil service of the deprived priestly dignity Gromov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 418. The case in relation to the manager of the military ministry on the establishment of secret police supervision of retired Major Malyutin and to prohibit him from entering the capital |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 419. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance about the return from Siberia to his Fatherland Galician native Fedor Papchuk |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 42. The case at the petition of the college assessor Kolumbov on admission to the service department of the executive police.Here and about his dismissal from the department |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 420. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about the prohibition of entry into Russia of the Prussian subject of Rnamund Fink |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 421. The case of the report of the Oryol Civil Governor about the arson of the House of the Oryol Provincial Board |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 422. The case of the Highest Generation of the Committee of Ministers on the provision of the provincial authorities in a serious incurable disease of which or from spouses, resettled to Siberia by the will of the landowner, according to the certificate properly in illness, every time the forefront |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 423. Russian |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 424. The case in relation to the chief manager of the Transcaucasian region about the subordination of some counties of the Georgian-Imereta province and the Caspian region, as well as Tabasarani and Karakaytag to the military authorities, on the occasion of the invasion of the shawls of Shamil into the Khanate of Kazan Kumykskoye and P |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 425. The case of the reporting of the Moscow Civil Governor about the dead peasant of the Bronnitsky district, Alexei Shlensky, whose life is suspected of a police officer Colonel Vereshchagin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 426. The case in relation to the manager of the military ministry, regarding the representation of the emperor by civil governors of the monthly shows about the state criminals in Siberia, touched by the incident on December 14, 1825 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 427. The case of the petition of the Mecklenburg-Shweer citizen doctor of medicine German Levental about the release of him from custody for guarantee.Immediately correspondence and about the prohibition of the license of entry into Russia |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 428. The case in relation to the Minister of Justice, about the assumption of the Estland provincial prosecutor, so that, when compiling by the Estland rural and urban societies of sentences about the link of people for bad behavior to Siberia or about their recruitment, they were required about |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 429. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about the expulsion from Moscow to the city of Kolomnu college registrar Alyabyev |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 43. The case of the application of the Titular Councilor Taushev to enroll him in the department of the Police of Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 430. The case of the Union of Ustyuzh bourgeois of the Grishins about the provision of removal and permission to be transferred to another society |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 431. The case in relation to the Moscow military general general about the approval of the Moscow Honorary Citizen Nikolai Orshov with the rank of member of the Moscow Committee on the Assays of Military |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 432. The case of a report on the two advisers of the Yaroslavl Provincial Board on the procedure for issuing to citizens from the city thoughts of poster passports in the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 433. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 434. The case of the reporting of the Novgorod Civil Governor about two unknown persons detained in Valdai, of whom one was called the minister of Yurkevich, and the other at first as a retired lieutenant Yamshchikov, and then French subjects Jacques Maleryo.Immediately Pe |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 435. The case in relation to the manager of the military ministry about the link to Siberia to the settlement of Julian Khmelevsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 436. The case in relation to the Minister of Justice about the attack on the house living in the Valuysky district of the Voronezh province of Kuznetsova Kuznetsova and the abduction of her money and things |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 437. The case of the reporting of the Yekaterinoslav Civil Governor of the detention in the Pavlogorad district of fugitive landlords of the Poltava province, who intended to get into the Chernomory |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 438. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about measures against indecent women |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 439. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about the retirement from the service of the outbuilding adviser Peter Potapov and the chamber of junker Mikhail Saltykov and their expulsion from the capital |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 44. Russian |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 440. The case in relation to the manager of the military ministry on the transfer of retired lieutenant Sverchevsky to a residence in the city of Kherson under the supervision of the police |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 441. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of the conclusion regarding the wives of criminals referred to by sentences of judicial places to Siberia to the settlement and to live by sentences of societies |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 442. The case in relation to the Governor General of Eastern Siberia about marriages with exiled Jews |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 443. The case in relation to the chief of the postal department about the detained in Vyatka, who pretended to be an official of the postal department, allegedly sent in different provinces with a secret order |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 444. The case in relation to the Minister of Education on the delivery of an opinion on the subject of the forbidden for prohibited books by Bukinists |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 445. The case of reporting the Orenburg Civil Governor about the fire in the corps of the Orenburg. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 446. The case in relation to the manager of the military ministry on the dismissal of the ordinary Tyurin service, with the establishment for him at the place of residence of secret supervision |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 447. The case in relation to the Vice Chancellor about the return from Siberia to the homeland of the three Turks, Adi Guzem and Gahverdi |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 448. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about the highest permission to arrive in St. Petersburg by the Provincial Secretary Kashkin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 449. The case in relation to the Minister of the State Secretary of the Kingdom of Poland, on the departure of the former second lieutenant of the Polish troops of Stanislav Prokopovich to withhold the appointed deadline, for three years in the internal provinces under the supervision |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 45. Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case at the request of the clerical minister of Mikhail Sytensky on his determination to the Executive Police Department.Here, about his dismissal from the Executive Police Department. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 450. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of an opinion on a report by the Provisional Management of the Transcaucasian Territory on the procedure for ascending the revision of cases of vagabonds and fugitives |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 451. The case in relation to the Governor General of Eastern Siberia about the permitting of the settler Zhdanov to join the civil service in Siberia |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 452. The case of the reporting of the Moscow Civil Governor about the three icons in the village of Vyalki |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 453. The case in relation to Count Nesselrode about the return of all the Prussian subjects exiled to Siberia to Siberia in Siberia in Siberia |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 454. The case of reporting the Olonets Civil Governor on whether the correspondence of people should be considered that although they are sent from the Western provinces, but not by touching secret societies, but for other matters |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 455. The case of the reporting of the Olonets Civil Governor on the appointment of a detention from the treasury sent to the Olonets province under the supervision of the police retired to Lieutenant Korelli and college secretary Krivoshein |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 456. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about forgiveness or facilitating the fate of 153 to the natives of the Western provinces remote in political affairs in the internal province in Siberia for hard labor or the police supervision underwent on the spot |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 457. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of the conclusion on the report of the Chernihiv provincial government on the courtyard girl, Countess Arsenteva Paraskovya Balashova, who, having thirteen years old, is presented to the reference to Siberia to the settlement |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 458. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 459. The case in relation to the Minister of the State Secretary of the Kingdom of Poland on the liberation of the native of the kingdom of Polish Mikhail Grushetsky from the hard labor and on the return of such Jerome, Zelvestra and Gustav Zelinsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 46. The City of the Candidate of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy Vasily Tropin on the determination of the executive police department in the police department |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 460. The case in relation to the manager of the military ministry on the determination of the retired lieutenant Kanishchev, who was in Simbirsk under the supervision of the police, again to serve as an ordinary |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 461. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about permission to be sent from St. Petersburg, the outbuilding adviser Herzen to live in Moscow so that he does not come to St. Petersburg and that he remains under police supervision |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 462. The case in relation to the Minister of the State Secretary of the Kingdom of Poland, about the refusal of Count Valevsky both now and for the future, in the permit to arrive in the empire |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 463. The case in relation to the chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod about leaving the chapel still arranged in the Sokhotsky forest of the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 464. The case on the representation of the Vologda Civil Governor, on the award of the first officer rank of nobles of Godlevsky and Kurzhenetsky (political criminals) |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 465. The case in relation to the Department of Common affairs of the Ministry with an extract on incidents in St. Petersburg, about the real state adviser Ushakov in the house of several persons, from consumption during lunch of jelly made of potato m |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 466. The case of reporting the position of the Mogilev Civil Governor on the abduction from the archive of the Orsha district court of thirteen assets |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 467. The case is in relation to the Department of Common affairs of the ministry with an extract on incidents.Immediately correspondence about fires in the Vyatka province.Immediately circular to the governors in this subject |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 468. The case in relation to the Governor General of Western Siberia about the settler Fedorov filed in the name of his petition and the application of the report or revelation from God by the sovereign Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich to the All-Russian so-called |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 469. The case in relation to the Vilnius military, Grodno, Minsk and Bialystok Governor-General of the appointment of one of the Great Russia's provinces for the one of the Great Russian provinces for the one of the Great Russian provinces for the decision of the Government Senate, for the Neva |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 47. The City of the Republic of College Yakov Banking on the determination of the executive police department |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 470. 1842 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 471. The case in relation to the Kyiv military, Podolsky, Volyn governor about the relics opened in the town of the White Church, in the foundation of the abolished Nikolsk Church |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 472. The case in relation to the department of general cases on the consideration of projects of three parts of the new Code of Punishment of Criminal and Correctional |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 473. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about the permitting to the teacher of the Kostroma gymnasium to the provincial secretary Sorokin to settle in Moscow to erase the content |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 474. The case in relation to the Nikolaev and Sevastopol military governor about the dealers of false banknotes in the city of Odessa |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 475. The case in relation to Major General Dubelt about the prohibition of entering Russia by the Hanoverian subject Johm Gaines, who for bad behavior and celebration to send abroad |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 476. The case on the proposal of the Georgian-Imereta Governor-General of the Governor of the change for Russian money found after the death of Metropolitan Bodbel and the coin unsettled to walk |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 477. The case in relation to the chief manager of the Transcaucasian Territory, about the liberation from the police supervision of the second lieutenant Prince Alexander Orbelianov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 478. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about the return of the retired headquarters of the captain Alexander Pevtsov, for a depraved life in the monastery for repentance |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 479. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about the trial of a retired lieutenant Vasiliev and the assistant of the Stannaya bailiff Korop for the rape of the daughter of the peasant Ustimenkov and the punishment with the crust of her Aunt Iovenkov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 48. The City of the Provincial Secretary Pavel Marina to enroll him on the Department of Police of the Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 480. The case in relation to the Adjutant General Count Benckendorf at the highest command, about the establishment of strict supervision of the retired headquarters captain Mikhail Romanov, living in the city of Kazan |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 481. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about the imprisonment of monasteries of the retired fleet of Lieutenant Nikolai Kireev in one of St. Petersburg. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 482. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian Governor General of the permission to give out delaying the Taganrog by the Taganrog on poster passports |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 483. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benkendorf about the provincial secretary Erogin, who, having received all-merciful forgiveness, expressed a desire to serve in Georgia, but the local authorities did not dare to determine it by ignorance of the details of the case |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 484. The case of the reporting of the Tauride Civil Governor of Muromtsev, about the abduction of his daughter with his young Tatar, while walking in the country near Simferopol |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 485. The case in relation to the military minister regarding the appointment of three officers for military-scenario commissions on smuggling affairs in the city of Gazenpot of the Courland province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 486. The case by decree of the government Senate on the delivery of the conclusion on the measure of the fugitive punishment in Siberia, hiding their origin, which will have signs of spitzesten |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 487. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor general, regarding the registration of the tramp Kapilier and other such fugitives in Bessarabia, have long been entered there, and have a strong settling |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 488. The case in relation to the military minister about the reduction of Philip Olizar's deadline for hard labor |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 489. The case of reporting the Orenburg military governor about fish, which fell with the rain in the Saraychiki fortress |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 49. The City of the Provincial Secretary Pavel Marina to enroll him on the Department of Police of the Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 490. The case of the reporting of the Kostroma civil governor about the Like Galich district in the parish of the Nikolaev Church, on fast sacred relics |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 491. The case in relation to the state secretary of the Kingdom of Poland about the highest reprimand consisting in the position of Tver Civil Governor |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 492. The case of the reporting of the Orenburg Civil Governor about the arsons in the city of Ufa |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 493. The case in relation to the Minister of War on the enrollment of four sons of the state criminal Rosen in the noble branch of the Novgorod battalion of military cantonists, and to be called not by the name of the father, but by the name of the Anreyevs |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 494. The question of the request of the retired Rear Admiral Lazarev about finding things stolen from him by his courtyard Fedot Ivanov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 495. The case of reporting the Saratov Civil Governor about the Saratov Saratov, under the supervision of a police deprived of the sanitary priest Nosovich |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 496. The case of the judgment of the arsonists from now on, before the command, without a line of the military court, as well as the measure of punishment of their and the production of military-festivities over them |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 497. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about release from work, to the settlement of exiled to Eastern Siberia, for participating in the secret society of Anton Valetsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 498. The case of reporting the position of the St. Petersburg Civil Governor on the murder by peasant Mikhailov and the philistine Bogdanov's native mothers |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 499. The matter in relation to the Minister of Justice about the awarding the following ranks of the senior teacher of the Kazan gymnasium of the Lukashevsky and assistant to the manager of the Arkhangelsk specific office of the Tustanovsky.Immediately correspondence about production in the following officials of the Polish harvest |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 5. The question of the request of the college registrar Pleslov, about his determination to the Department of Police of the Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 50. The request of the priestly son of Ivan Flerov about his determination to the Department of Police of Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 500. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 501. The case in relation to Governor General Count Benckendorf about the prohibition of entry to Russia of a foreigner Ribau |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 502. The case in relation to the military minister about the establishment of police supervision of the military service dismissed by Fireworks Ksavevo Petrashkevich |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 503. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about returning to his homeland to the Tula province of the settlement of Matryna Timofeeva |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 504. The case in relation to the Moscow military general general about the approval of the court adviser to Prince Golitsyn with the rank of member of the Moscow Committee on alms |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 505. The case in relation to the state secretary, on the adoption of Prince Golitsyn’s petitions, about delivering information about the Kherson province located in the city of Alexandrov under the supervision of the police as a retired warrant officer Gladyshevsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 506. The case in relation to the Minister of the State Secretary of the Kingdom of Poland about the highest allowing the criminal Lempitsky to return from Siberia to their homeland to the Kingdom of Poland |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 507. The case in relation to the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia about the permission to give out delay in poster passports in excess of the already half-year period for another five months |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 508. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian Governor-General of the permission to give out delaying the Tauride province by the Berdyansk to the city at the end of their passports |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 509. The case of the reporting of the Saratov Civil Governor about the unknown person taken in the city of Balashov, who originally called himself by the conductor Andreev, then an official of the fourteenth grade, and finally as a backward lieutenant Brankevich.Immediately Pere |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 51. The case of awarding officials of the Police Department of Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 510. The case in relation to the Vice Chancellor about the discovery of the guilty of the French gold coin in Russia and generally about corrupting the coin by bourgeois Nikiforov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 511. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about the prohibition of a foreigner to Melitor Kulchitsky in the reverse entrance to Russia |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 512. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about the prohibition of a foreigner Titsa entrance to Russia |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 513. The case in relation to the adjutant General Count Benkendorf about the reduction in the term of the hard labor of Grabovsky, Kisel, Orzheshko, the Rzhonzhevsky, Chapsky, Schepkovsky, Yarzhin and on the return to his homeland: Modzelevsky, Pokrysky, Mlodetsky, Mychursky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 514. The case of reporting the manager of the Yaroslavl provincial about three arsons made in the Yaroslavl district by the official peasant Ignatius Dmitriev, commonly with the peasant Petrov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 515. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 516. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of an opinion on the report of the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia, on the punishment of hard labor for unimportant misconduct, studied during prison conclusion |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 517. The case in relation to the military minister about the forbidden to be sent from military service by Peter Cretan, promoted to the rank of college registrar entry into both capital |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 518. The case on the complaint of the landowner Neleedinskaya about the non -giving her the Pskov official chamber of the test recruitment receipt, at the enforcement of a vagram for military service, her peasant Pavel Vasiliev |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 519. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about the permitting of the Polish native of Valeria Dulcovskaya to marry so that she elects one of the internal provinces for the unhealthy residence and remains under the police supervision |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 52. The case at the request of the college registrar Sakharov on determining him to the Executive Police Department.Immediately about the dismissal of his executive police department, and the recovery of the money indicated by the college registrar Vladychinsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 520. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benkendorf on the return of their surname Uzden Mohammed Momkhamov, given to St. Petersburg Marine Prisoners under the name of the silent tramp of the Zero, |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 521. The case in relation to the Vice-Chancellor of Count Nesselrode about the transfer of the Mogameda Yakshi Mogameda, who was detained in the Transcaucasian Territory, if necessary in Voronezh |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 522. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf with two books of the German magazine Erheiterungen, which contain articles relating to the rites of the Orthodox Church |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 523. The case in relation to the Governor-General of Western Siberia on granting him the right to in in in in innarals and guilty of the disclosure of rumors about arson by no avail and other actions, to betray a military court with the power of a separate corps commander in peaceful |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 524. The case in relation to the economic department of arson in the city of Perm and the arson in the Perm province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 525. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about the permitted Major General Moller to stay in a residence in the Nizhny Novgorod province, with the continuation of the police supervision established by him there |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 526. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about the transfer of a son living in Warsaw Luke Golemobievsky, Severina Golemobievsky, from Perm to the service in Grodno |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 527. The case of reporting the executive of the Arkhangelsk military governor about permission to be in Arkhangelsk under the supervision of a backward non-commissioned officer Danilievich to go to his family in the Grodno province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 528. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about the prohibition of the foreigners Leiman, d'Overs, Grigorovich and the girl Augustinovich of the reverse entrance to Russia |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 529. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about the return of the clerk Stroynovsky from Tambov to the Podolsk province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 53. The case in relation to the Department of General Affairs on the determination of the guard headquarters captain Tolstoy, the head of the head of the executive police.Here is about the dismissal of him |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 530. The request of Colonel Fon-Bolcental on the return of six peasants of his fled in 1840 and living in the city of Odessa with a relative of their merchant Silkov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 531. The case in relation to the state secretary about the adoption of Prince Golitsyn’s petitions about the permitted by the backward actual state adviser Gettun to live in Moscow |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 532. Дело по отношению Санкт-Петербургского военного генерал-губернатора касательно высылки за границу прусских подданных Эренфрида Глезера и Вильгельма Вейса |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 533. 1842 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 534. The case in relation to the Adjutant General, Count Benckendorf about the propagation of the poor in Yaroslavl |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 535. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benkendorf about the prohibition of the Turkish native of Yus Bashi, named by him by the Orthodox faith Konstantin Kolosov, the reverse entry into Russia |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 536. The case on the proposal of the Civil Governor of the Olonets Civil Governor on the first chief officer rank of the clerk of Przhyalgovsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 537. The case is in relation to the Department of Common Cases with an extract on incidents for some provinces.Here about the issuance of money from the Moscow county treasury, according to a fake order on behalf of the Moscow Civil Governor and about the deceased from poisoning |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 538. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about the arrest in the event of the appearance on the border of our Polish native of Dobrovolsky, who also calls himself Karl Belsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 539. The case of the reporting of the Poltava civil governor about the murder of the landowner Sidorenko of his husband |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 54. The case of awarding with signs of distinction of the immaculate service of officials of the Police Department of Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 540. The case in relation to the Governor General of Eastern Siberia on the transfer of the Kurgan of the Tobolsk province located in the Yenisei province in the Yenisei province at the settlement of the political criminal |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 541. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benckendorf about the permitting of the Mogilev province in the city of Cherikov under a strict police supervision to the son of the Uniata priest Stanislav Markianovich to join the public service |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 542. The case in relation to the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia with the requesting permission, whether the children of the male Jews who come to Siberia with their parents, exiled there for crimes, as well as their other relatives, can remain there for residents |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 543. Russian |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 544. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benkendorf about the establishment of police supervision of Captain Efimyev, who has a tendency to unjust denunciations |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 545. The case of the robberies produced in the city of Taganrog |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 546. The case of people under the supervision of the police for the second half of 1841 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 547. The case of persons under the supervision of the police for the first half of 1842 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 548. The case in relation to the office of the Department of the Police of Executive on the comments of the governors in the review of the provinces, regarding the premises of present places, prisons, stages and maintenance of prisoners |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 549. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 55. The case with the circulars under the Police Department of Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 550. The case on the representation of the Tambov governor about the arrangement of stage and night rooms in the Tambov province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 551. The case in relation to the chief control ways of the message and public titles about the procedure for presenting projects for the construction of public places and prisons in the Georgian-Home Provice and the allocation of the money required for this |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 552. The case on the representation of the Mogilev governor about the arrangement of stage and night rooms in the Mogilev province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 553. The case on the proposal of the Moscow Civil Governor on the departure of the Oryol Provincial Board to Siberia incurable prisoner Bobrov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 554. The case in relation to the military minister about the permission of the lower ranks of the prison mouths to wear stripes on the left sleeve of the uniform |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 555. The case on the representation of the Correction of the Position of the Smolensk governor about the arrangement of stage premises and overnight rooms in the Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 556. The case in relation to the military minister about the provision of provisions in favor of the State Educational Institutions of the following in them to cure the lower ranks and prisoners of the prisoners of the civilian department |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 557. The case on the proposal of the military governor of the city of Voronezh and the Voronezh Civil Governor about the arrangement of stage and overnight buildings in the Voronezh province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 558. The case in relation to the state secretary of the Kingdom of Poland about the costs of food returned to the kingdom of the Polish natives of him, taken for a vagrant |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 559. The case in relation to the commander of a separate corps of the internal guard about the correction of deficiencies in prison rooms |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 56. The case on the highest command reported by the Military Minister about the reward of landowners for the children of the lower ranks put in the Caucasus, and the expulsion of these children again |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 560. The case of the reporting of the Kazan military governor about the actions of the Kazan Prison Committee in 1841 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 561. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the procedure for the judgment of military deserters who entered in the form of tramps in the prison companies of the civilian department |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 562. The case of the reporting of the Vyatka governor about the fire extermination of a staging infirmary in the village of Syumsi and on his transfer to the village of Kozhil |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 563. The case by decree of the Government Senate on removal by the Kazan provincial rule of the merchant Barkov from the supply of arrested shoes and the appointment of new trading for this supply |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 564. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 565. The case in relation to the Minister of Internal Affairs to the Military Minister on the preparation of exemplary plans for the construction of stone buildings for stage and night rooms |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 566. The case on the representation of the Vyatka governor about the arrangement of stage premises in the Vyatka province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 567. The case in relation to the commander of a separate corps of the internal guard about the appointment of stage and overnight points at the highway arranged from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 568. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Benkendorf about the review of the prison premises by the adjutant wings, sent in the province of Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov and Vyatka |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 569. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the production of the non-commissioned officer of the Kyiv prisoner company Shpakov to the college registrars with the determination to the local police |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 57. The case on the highest command reported by the Military Minister, about the reward of landowners for two families sent in 1839 and 1841 to the Caucasus, to join military settlers |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 570. The case in relation to the Vilnius military governor, Grodno, Minsk and Bialystok Governor General of the return to the Grodno provincial authorities occupied by the Grodno post office of the house, for the placement of some, some are present in it |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 571. The case on the proposal of the Tver Civil Governor of the construction of stage and night buildings in the Tver province on the tract from St. Petersburg to Moscow |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 572. The case on the proposal of the military governor of the city of Tula and the Tula Civil Governor on the construction of stage and night rooms on a tract from Moscow to the city of Orel |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 573. The case in relation to the manager of the military ministry on the provision of the landowner Kireevsky, Mikhailov to choose a family of life in a tax state to the next to Siberia |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 574. The case in relation to the economic department on the correction of buildings occupied by the Shlisselburg spaces |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 575. The case in relation to the economic department of land allocation for the gardens with stage teams |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 576. The case in relation to the Minister of Justice about the measures to the aversion of the riots and shoots of prisoners contained in prisons |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 577. The case at the request of the scribe of the second category of Divnogorsky on the return of money selected by the Moscow time prison Alexandrov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 578. The case by decree of the Governmental Senate on the liberation of the Nizhny Novgorod Provincial Board from the local prison company of the peasant of Tutorova Ivanov with the penalty from her for the maintenance of his maintenance, and the company of 312 rubles by banknotes.Immediately and on the complaint of the room |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 579. The case in relation to the master of the Minister of Internal Affairs to the Minister of Finance on the preparation of fodder money to prisoners for the second half of 1842 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 58. The case of delivering information in various subjects |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 580. The case in relation to the manager of the military ministry about the cottage for a carriage for the random fortifications when returning to the stage teams to their places after the adoption of the prisoners |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 581. Case |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 582. The case in relation to the inspection department of the military ministry about the maintenance of guard in prison premises in those depthly cities and posades in which there are no commands of internal guard |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 583. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of an opinion regarding the difficulties met by the Provincial authorities in the distribution of prisoners condemned into the prison companies |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 584. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance on the procedure for the procurement of materials for heating and lighting prison premises in the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 585. The case of the reports of civilian governors about the costs of the treasury for the prisoners exiled to Siberia in 1841 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 586. The case in relation to the Minister of Justice about the construction of a special department in the St. Petersburg Prison Castle for the maintenance of investigative prisoners and the production of investigations |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 587. The case in relation to the Chernihiv, Poltava and Kharkov General Governor about the arrangement of stage premises in the Poltava province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 588. The case in relation to the economic department of permission to the chief of Kamchatka to allow the production of corrections that the state buildings located there |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 589. The case in relation to the Department of General Affairs of the Ministry of the abolition of construction committees in some provincial cities with the assignment of their duties on construction commissions |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 59. The case in relation to Prince Golitsyn about the termination of the widow of Milyak-Khanum-Molik-Isaeva of the production of the money that her deceased husband was received by her Bela-Bek |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 59. The case in relation to the economic department of the Ministry of the Interior on the provision of some benefits and reliefs to residents of the city of Jacobstat |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 59. 59 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 590. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance about the underwater stage service in the village of Kamenka (Penza province) |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 592. The case in relation to the Chernihiv, Poltava and Kharkov governor general about the arrangement of stage and night rooms in the Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 593. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 594. The case in relation to the chief controls of the ways of messages and public buildings, about the sale of the old prison building in the city of Kalyazin to the local city society for the premises of the city police in the city of Kalyazin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 595. The case on the proposal of the Saratov Civil Governor, on the riots for the use of amounts for the maintenance of prisoners of the released and on the transfer of all procurement for prisoners in the Saratov province to the jurisdiction of the prison committees |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 596. The case by decree of the Government Senate on placement in the Kaluga prison company of people appointed to the work house and on their appointment |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 597. The case in relation to the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia on the determination in the executioners of the official plants of exiles assigned to hard labor |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 598. The case of the representation of the Smolensk Civil Governor of the Sending of a measure to determine the growth of prisoners sent to Siberia |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 599. The case in relation to the medical department about the shortcomings in prison hospitals in the Yekaterinoslav province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 6. The case of the request of the College Register of Kashchevsky, on the determination of it to the Department of the Police of the Executive and to dismiss it from it |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 60. The case in relation to the manager of the committee on the construction of the Transcaucasian Territory with the submission of an extract from the Council in the case, maintaining the Ministry of the Interior to the subject: a) on the instructions for the auditor for the review of the civilian structure by the Transcaucasian Territory;b) |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 600. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor about the arrangement of stage premises in the Bessarabian region |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 601. The case on the representation of the head of the Caspian region that corrects the position of appropriation of money for the repair of state buildings in the Caspian region |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 602. The case in relation to the Minister of Justice about the inconvenience of issuing fodder money to prisoners in their hands |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 603. The case in relation to the Governor-General of Western Siberia about the increase in the vacation of fodder money to prisoners held in the Kyrgyz districts |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 604. The case in relation to the Minister of Internal Affairs to the Minister of Finance on the preparation of a dachshund, according to which the costs of prisoners referred to in Siberia should be returned to the treasury from zemstvo fees |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 605. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor about the construction of floor premises in the Yekaterinoslav province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 606. The case of the construction of public places and prisons in the Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 607. The case of the installation of premises for public places and prisons in the Vologda province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 609. The case of the construction of the premises of public places and prisons in the Saratov province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 61. The case in relation to the office of the Minister of Internal Affairs on the assumption of the Orenburg Civil Governor (on the review of the province entrusted to him in 1841) on the abolition of the Verkhneuralsky district, about the abandonment of Verkhneuralsk, with the joining |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 610. The case of the construction of a prison castle in the city of Kamenetz-Podolsk |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 610. The case of the construction of a prison castle in the city of Kamenetz-Podolsk |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 611. The case of building a building for county inward places in the city of Shaglyaks of the Coven province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 611. The case of the petition of the landowner of the college secretary Glukhovskaya on the provision of her correction of public places and a city house in the city of Vyazma |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 612. The case in relation to the Department of Spiritual Affairs of Foreign Confessions about the amount released for departure from the Orenburg province to Kazan Mohammedan children |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 613. The case, on the highest command reported by the military minister, is a command to deliver considerations about costs required from zemstvo fees for the maintenance of the surplus number of people in the Vilenskaya, Kharkov and Odessa gendarme teams |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 614. Russian |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 615. The matter in relation to the master of the main about the postal department on the slowdown in the posts during crossings in Tver and the Mednaya pit.Here, about the sentence of Major General Anichkov and the order to send from stations towards posts, if they do not arrive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 616. The case of the highest command of the appointment annually from city income of 3,000 rubles in silver to maintain a private Russian theater in Kyiv |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 617. The case on the proposal of the Mogilev Civil Governor on the addition of horses in some stations |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 618. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 619. The case of the secretary of Zhutukin of the Arkhangelsk provincial government, about the salary of him by the secretary of the Committee of the Zemstvo Distributions and the recovery of 403 rubles 86 rubles of silver from the former governor Stepanov transferred to Zhutukin's salary |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 62. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance on the issue of Governor General of Eastern Siberia on the issuance of merchants and philistine deputies who go to the production of investigations about people belonging to their estate |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 620. The case in relation to the chief postal department of verification of the distance of postal stations with layout posts |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 621. The case on the decrees of the Government Senate with the presentation of the highly approved estimates on zemstvo duties for the three years since 1843 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 622. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 623. The case on the issue of the Minister of Finance on the question of whether the Odinat and confiscated peasants should be taxed with the fees required by the nobility for the establishment of various educational institutions |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 624. The case in relation to the third branch of the Executive Police Department with the transfer to the temporary branch of this department for the production of cases and papers |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 625. The case of the presentation of the Vitebsk civil governor about the establishment of an additional course for the formation of young people in the land surveying.Immediately correspondence on this subject and the Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 626. The case on the representation of the Voronezh governor about the establishment of a new postal station between the villages of Shestakov and the Middle Icro |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 627. The case of the highest command, expressed in relation to the state secretary of Taneyev, about the separation of stations from Podolsk to the blade in half |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 628. The case in relation to the Minister of Justice about the protest of the Pskov provincial prosecutor against the decree of the local provincial rule on the permission of the city city magistrate and the Zemstvo court from where to take the carts for the corner |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 629. The case in relation to the Moscow Military Governor-General about the addition of the Meshchansky local society of his per capiton arrears with duties in the amount of 10,000 rubles on poor people |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 63. The case on the proposal of the Arkhangelsk Civil Governor on the illegal actions of the Cobilinsky Archangular Police correcting the position of a private bailiff |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 630. The case of the highest command, expressed in relation to the state secretary of Taneyev, on the separation of the Kharkov province of the Kharkov province between Lyubotin and Valok and the Kherson province between Kremenchug and New Prague |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 631. The case in relation to the chief over the postal department on the opening of the postage of the postage between Nikolaev and Uralsky in the provinces of the Orenburg and Saratov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 632. The case in relation to the chief department of the postal department of the closure of a special office in the city of Mitava, established by the foreman of the local Furman, Uksha, to receive simple and monetary correspondence delivered by him and Libava |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 633. The case according to the main command of the highest command of the new post station between Voznesensky and Konstantinovka in the village of Aleksandrovka. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 634. The case on the proposal of the Caucasian Civil Governor on the destruction in the army of the Donskoy of the Middle-Egorlytsky postal station |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 635. The case in relation to the military minister about the amount required to strengthen the gendarme Kazan team |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 636. The case in relation to the chief manager of the Transcaucasian Territory about the cottage of riding horses without paying for gams to assistants to district assessors and translators of district and district administrations during their travels in service affairs |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 637. The case in relation to the Vilnius military governor, Grodno, Bialystok and Minsk Governor General about the amount required in the Vilnius province of premises for temporary Orthodox churches and accounts, and about the satisfaction of the provincial secret |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 638. The case on the proposal of the Kostroma Civil Governor with a copy of the decision of the nobility on the deduction of the balance from the amount of zemstvo duties in favor of the Nerekhtinsky Women's School |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 639. The case in relation to the Vilnius military governor, Grodno, Minsk and Bialystok Governor General about the increase in horses at the stations of the Taurogen and Kovensky highway |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 64. Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case on the proposal of the Arkhangelsk Civil Governor on the illegal actions of the Cobilinsky Archangel police correcting the position of the Private Bailiff. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 640. The case on the presentation of the Olonets Civil Governor on whether it is not necessary to issue open instructions for the collection of philistine submarines without ruins without a cool boundary ranks |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 641. The case at the request of the arable soldier Mikhail Nesterov about the satisfaction of his money followed to correct him in the pit of the subsidiary submarine |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 642. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg Military Governor General about the amount required to satisfy the contractors of Baykov and Helker, for the firewood they set for troops and straw |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 643. The case in relation to the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia about the difficulties that can be met in the Irkutsk province at the main Moscow tract for passing and maintenance of stations from increased, due |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 644. The case on the proposal of the Moscow Civil Governor on River Crossings along that province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 645. The case of the highest command, expressed in relation to the state secretary of Taneyev, about the separation of distances between the stations from the eagle to the eye, from Kursk to Oboyan, from Oboyan to Belgorod and from Belgorod to Kharkov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 646. The case on the post -persons -correcting position of the Oryol provincial leader of the nobility by the decision of the deputies from the nobility and cities on the difficulties they met in verification of the reports of the provincial authorities on the amounts of the Zemsky fee |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 647. The case of the riots taking place in the Tver province, and the content of zemstvo horses.At the same time, four volumes of the investigative case, made on this subject, the state adviser to foreign |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 647. 493 l. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 647. The investigative case about the unrest and abuse of the content in the Tver province of Zemstvo horses in the three years - from 1839 to 1842 and from 1842 to 1845 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 647. The investigative case about the unrest and abuse of the content of zemstvo horses in the Tver province of three years - from 1839 to 1842 and from 1842 to 1845 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 647. The investigative case about the unrest and abuse of the content in the Tver province of Zemstvo horses in the three years - from 1839 to 1842 and from 1842 to 1845.The case, under the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs, the official of special assignments under the Minister of the |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 648. The case in relation to the Chernihiv, Poltava and Kharkov General Governor on the construction of bridges in the Lokhvitsky district of the Poltava province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 649. The case in relation to the Minister of State Property about the appeal of some natural duties for the common zemstvo gathering |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 65. The case in relation to the third branch of the police department of the executive on the request of the attorney of the Mstislav Jewish Society of the Osher of the Kalion on the liberation of the company from the collection for the maintenance of police and firefighters |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 650. The case in relation to the first table of the third branch of the Department of the Executive Police on the petition of the deputies who made the layout of the Zemstvo duties of the Pskov province, on the reduction of mail horses along the Belarusian tract and about the attribution of civil defense |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 651. The case on the proposal of the Tambov civil governor about the correction of bridges |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 652. The case in relation to the economic department on the construction of a bridge in the city of Pruzhany on the River Mukhavts Grodno province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 653. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg Military Governor-General of the purchase of furniture for mail houses at Plussian stations, housewarming and lizards, and the estate in the meadow and long-wing |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 654. The case in relation to the Mr. Novorossiysk and Bessarabian Governor General on the release of portioned money to civil engineer Rudu for the production of work in the Yekaterinoslav province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 655. The case on the representation of the Vyatka Civil Governor on the construction of three bridges on the rivers Yakimchevka and Samyak and near the transport of the Moloma River |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 656. The case in relation to the main control routes and public buildings about the instructions for the district authorities of the route of roads regarding the monitoring of the repair of the provincial highway |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 657. The case in relation to Count Tolya about the production of portioned money officers of the Railway Corps in Eastern Siberia |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 658. The case on the proposal of the Pskov civil governor about the return to the content of the transport across the Volga River under the alkali Red meadow |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 659. The case in relation to the Riga Military Governor, the Livonia, Estland and Courland General General, about the establishment of a new station between Riga and Engelgardsgof on the Riga highway and on the transfer of the Guilchensform Station to a new tract |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 66. The case of discharge from the journal of the Council of the Ministry of the Interior about the amount opened by the actual state adviser to Semenov in the office in the office of the Vilnius Civil Governor |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 660. The case on the proposal of the military governor of the city of Tula and the Tula Civil Governor on the road collection along the Tula highway |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 661. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg Military Governor General about the device of the bridge on the Arkhangelsk tract between Ust-Izhoro and Pello, in Shlisselburgsky district |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 662. The case in relation to the Mr. Minister of Justice about the petition of the nobles of the Moscow province, on the appointment of a deputy, college adviser Klassen, to receive materials and examination of the highway and bridges for a salary and expenses of 1400 rubles per year |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 663. The case on the proposal of the Poltava civil governor about the publication in the Poltava province of a civil engineer.Here, about the appointment of a senior civil engineer Mikulsky and at the disposal of Chernihiv, Poltavs |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 664. The case in relation to the Smolensk, Vitebsk and Mogilev General General about the structure of the Gomel dam of the Mogilev province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 665. The case in relation to the chief control ways of the message and public buildings about the participation of the provincial authorities in an attest of moderation of prices for highways |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 666. The case of the proposal of the Tver Civil Governor of the construction of a bath and a well at a house occupied by a lasaret of horse artillery in Tver |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 667. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 668. The case is in relation to the chief control ways of the message and public buildings and the melt of spring caravans |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 669. The case is in relation to Mr. Chernigov, Poltava and Kharkov General Governor on the construction of a bridge near the city of Raisins of the Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 67. 1842 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 670. The case in relation to the chief over the postal department on the establishment of the nearest messages between Petropavlovsky and Ishim, the fortress of the Presnogorkovskaya and the Kurgan of the Tobolsk province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 671. The case on the proposal of the military governor of the city of Voronezh and the Voronezh Civil Governor about the structure of Gati and five bridges near the village of Sredne Korzets in Bobrovsky district |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 672. The case in relation to the Chernigov, Poltava and Kharkov General Governor General about the fee for transportation over the Vorsklu River in the town of Kudzuzin Poltava province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 673. The case in relation to the Chernihiv, Poltava and Kharkov General Governor General about the construction of two bridges on the River Delivee in the town of Perevolnoye Poltava province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 674. The case in relation to the Kyiv military governor, Podolsky and Volyn Governor General, on the construction of a bridge on the way from the city of Zhitomir to the village of Shumska on the Teterev River |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 675. The case against the office of the Executive Police Department with an extract from the report of the St. Petersburg Civil Governor for 1841 on the need to fix the tracts: Arkhangelsk, Pskov and Tikhvinsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 676. The case in relation to the First Department of the Main Directorate of Railways and Public Buildings to take a whole mile away if it lacks several fathoms in a distance, as happened between the stations of Dukhovskaya and the island |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 677. The case in relation to the first branch of the third table of the Executive Police Department, with a note by the actual state adviser Donaurov, about the situation of the Tver provincial road committee |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 678. The case by decree of the Government Senate, who followed the complaint of the attorney from the Bukhara Society of the Tobolsk province, the Tar district of Nazirov, to the trusters of the principles of his duties on the correction of the road site |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 679. The case in relation to the first branch of the Department of the Police Executive on the delivery of the conclusion regarding the transfer of their Tula provincial rule to the provincial construction commission of some cases |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 68. The case by decree of the Governing Senate on the decision to the service, which was under the court of the college registrar Koturzhevsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 680. The case is in relation to the Kyiv military governor, Podolsky and Volyn Governor General about the construction of the stable and barn at the station in the town of the New Konstantinovo Prodolsk province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 681. The case in relation to the Governor-General of Western Siberia about the correction of damage in the buildings occupied by the cantonists of the Tobolsk semi-battalion |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 682. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor about the construction of the new postal tract in the Tauride province from Sevastopol to Bakhchisarai |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 683. The case on the proposal of the Smolensk Civil Governor on the correction of the Red Mail Hotel in the city |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 684. The case in relation to Mr. Comrade Chief Managing Messages and Public Buildings on Assistance to Preparation of Stone for the Yaroslavl Highway for a Land Poard |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 685. The case in relation to the economic department about the buildings of the bridge and dam on the Esmani River in the city of Glukhov Chernihiv province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 686. The case in relation to the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia about the construction of mail houses |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 687. The case in relation to the economic department about the buildings in the city of Kadom across the Moksha River and through the lake, under the white settlement of two floating bridges of the Tambov province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 688. The case of the presentation of the Tver Civil Governor of the Tver Civil Protection of the Big Track from Rzhev to Toroptsi |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 689. The case in relation to the economic department on the construction in the city of Vasilkov, on the Vasilkovka River, a wooden bridge with earthen embankments (Kiev province) |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 69. The case in relation to the commission for the construction of sources of urban economy about whether the staff of the Vologda police can be approved in the form in which the head of the province is represented |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 690. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor about the establishment of a new station in the Tauride province between the cities of Novogai, Berdyansk and the village of Novospassky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 691. The case of reporting an official of the Buldakov’s special instructions on the amount of the Yaroslavl highway |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 692. The case of the presentation of the Vitebsk civil governor about the construction of the building for the plastic workers and non -combat offers of the Vitebsk internal garrison battalion |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 693. The case in relation to the economic department of the Ministry of the Interior on the construction of a bridge in the outskirts of the city of Kaluga on the Kaluzhka River |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 694. The case in relation to the Kyiv military, Podolsky and Volyn Governor-General about the construction of three postal stations in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province in the villages of Zhurovichi, Male |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 695. The case in relation to the Department of Dolzov about the permitting to the peasants of the Arkhangelsk specific estate to lay a lean of winter road from the village of Zhivalinskaya to the village |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 696. Дело по отношению Бессарабского военного губернатора о постройке почтовых домов Реченского, Белецкого и Окницкого |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 697. The case against the comrade of the chief -controling ways of messages and public buildings about the upset position of the Moscow highway from Podolsk to Serpukhov.Immediately and the highest command of the commanding of the real state adviser Zeidler |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 698. The case in relation to the economic department of the Ministry of the Interior with the case of the built bridge in the city of Rzhev Tver province across the Volga River |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 699. The case on the order of the master of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the delivery of information on the incident of the failed bridge near the city of Torzhok during the passage of Princess Golitsyna |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 7. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 70. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg Military Governor General of the permission to open the hotels to merchants Bryantsev, Vasiliev and the philistine Bannikov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 700. The case in relation to the Chernigov, Poltava and Kharkov General Governor's general about the construction of the bridge near the town of Senkov on the Oskole River, in the Kupyansk district of the Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 701. The case in relation to the Chernigov, Poltava and Kharkov General Governor's general about the construction of the bridge in the Kupyansk district of the Kharkov province on the Oskol River near the village of Senkova |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 702. The case in relation to the Chernihiv, Poltava and Kharkov General Governor on the construction of the bridge of the Kharkov district on the Muromchik River |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 703. The case in relation to the Vilnius military governor, Grodno, the Minsk governor general, on the collection for the crossing of the Minius River in the village of Korsyan, belonging to the Count Plair in the Vilnius province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 704. The case in relation to the chief controls of messages and public buildings with the adoption of a copy of the circular order to the chiefs of the provinces to deliver information to draw up a general plan of water and land messages |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 705. The case in relation to the Chernihiv, Poltava and Kharkov General Governor on the construction of a stone pipe in the Volchansky district of the Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 706. The case in relation to the Chernigov, Poltava and Kharkov General Governor on the construction of a bridge in the city of Belopolia on the Kryg River, Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 707. The case in relation to the chief controls of the ways of messages and public buildings about the pupil of Kamensky excluded from the school of civilian engineers |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 708. 20 l. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 709. The case in relation to the economic department about the construction of the Yekaterinoslav province of the crossing of the Don River in the city |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 71. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 710. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian Governor General about the fee for bridges and crossings in the Rostov district of the Yekaterinoslav province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 711. The case in relation to the Vilnius military governor, Grodno, Minsk and Bialystok General General, about the fee for the crossing of the Dubissa River, in the estate of the tribal belonging to the landowner Dovgird |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 712. The case in relation to the Vilnius military governor, Grodno and Bialystok Governor General about the fee for crossing the Shushva River in the estate of the landowner Byalozor Grinkishki |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 713. 713 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 714. The case in relation to the Chernihiv, Poltava and Kharkov General Governor on the construction of bridges in the village of Lipova Valley, on the Khorol River in the Gadyachsky district of the Poltava province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 715. The case at the request of the guardians over the estates of the heirs of the real state adviser Vikulin, about the incorrect placement of the postal station in the house belonging to the heirs of the Yelets district of the Oryol province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 716. The case on the proposal of the military governor of the city of Novgorod and the Novgorod Civil Governor of the assumption of Colonel Orthodov to take the Yaroslavl tract for twelve years |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 717. The case in relation to the Chernigov, Poltava and Kharkov General Governor General about the construction in the Sloboda of the Verkhnyaya Syrovatka of the bridge, in the Sumy district of the Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 718. The case in relation to the main controls of messages and public buildings on the content of the winter road in villages in the Moscow tract in the proper serviceability |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 719. The case on the representation of the Astrakhan military governor about strengthening the banks of the Volga River along the Moscow Treat |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 72. The case in relation to the Riga General Governor Baron Palen on the determination of the adviser to the peasants, assistant, and on the increase in the salary of the secretary in the peasant part |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 720. The case in relation to the chief of the postal department about the opening of a new postal tract between the compassionate and the Olonets |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 721. The case in relation to the Kyiv military governor, Podolsky and Volyn Governor-General about the correction of Haupvakht in the city |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 722. The case on the proposal of the Kostroma Civil Governor on the correction of the Yuryevets, Seleznevsky and Nikolsky station houses |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 723. Case |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 724. The case in relation to the chief controls of the ways of messages and public buildings about the transfer along the highest command to maintain the Main Directorate of Railways, arranged and contained by the provincial authorities of the highway |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 725. The case of the representation of the Bessarabian military governor about the restructuring in the Telenushts of the regimental infirmary |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 726. The case in relation to the chief control routes and public buildings about the rules when drawing up projects for the construction of the highway and their very preparation for travel and on the transfer of station houses on the Dinburg highway to the main management of the Put |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 727. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian Governor General of the awarding of a civil engineer Gonyaev by the Order of St. Stanislav of the 3rd degree for the construction in Yalta Naberezhnaya.Immediately about the production of Gonyaev in senior civil engineers |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 728. The case in relation to the state secretary Taneyev about the decoration in the highway of the Taurogeneskaya summer road |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 729. The case in relation to the Department of General Affairs about the illegal campaign for crossing the Volga River in the city of Uglich of the Yaroslavl province and Gorodnich Suvorov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 73. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian Governor General about the state’s approval for city police guard in Izmail |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 73. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor about the approval of the city police guard in the city of Izmail |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 730. The case in relation to the state secretary of Presen about the road collection along the military Georgian road |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 731. The case in relation to the Mr. Minister of State Property on the coloring of road supplies in the Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 732. The case in relation to the chief control routes and public buildings on the accession of the provincial road commissions to the provincial construction commissions |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 733. Russian |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 734. The case on the adopted by the economic department of the Igumeni of the Novgorod Dukhov Monastery of Lyudmila on the vacation to the indicated monastery for the place that went under the stables and barracks of the Life Guard of the horse-Seger regiment, 200 rubles a year |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 735. The case in relation to the Governor General of Eastern Siberia about the establishment under the Yakut regional rule of recruitment presence |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 736. The case by decree of the government Senate about the reception of younger brothers in the recruitment instead of the elders (in the Vyatka province) |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 737. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor about heating and coverage of the apartments of provisions in the Kherson province about Zemstvo fees |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 738. The case in relation to his imperial highness of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich about the satisfaction of the staff of the headquarters and the chief officers and the class officials of the Bryansk arsenal |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 739. The case on the highest command reported by the Military Minister about the attribution of the Zemstvo gatherings of the St. Petersburg province of heating and coverage of the newly built in Tsarskoye village of military premises |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 74. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance on the appointment of special officials by customs in the capitals in the capitals |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 740. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance about whether the subdivisions made by persons of the tax state should be considered before transferring them to another estate or society |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 741. The case of the report of civilian governors, with the submission of calculations on costs for the passage of the third private ramp of the Empire of the recruitment set |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 742. The case of the representation of the Kaluga Civil Governor of the permitting of the nobility of this province to use for various public objects, recovered, but not yet distributed recruitment folding money |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 743. The case on the petition of the landowner, Colonel Vasily Mukhanov about the satisfaction of his recruitment warehouse money following him for 95, 96 and 97 sets |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 744. The case in relation to the Minister of Education on the assistance of the Bavarian scientist Dr. Mauritius Wagner, who wants to go around and explore the country's physical terms, adjacent to the Black and Caspian Seas, Asia Minor, America, Georgia and to |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 745. The case in relation to the chief of the Main Naval Staff about the determination of a full -time signator with a salary and other expenses for the office from the amount collected there for the resettlement service in the Kronstadt apartment commission |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 746. The case in relation to the chief control of the fifth branch of its own imperial majesty of the Chancellery on the warning of the recruitment of misunderstandings in the execution of the rules on December 27, 1839 on hiring a recruitment of the Phoenicians |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 747. The case in relation to the office of the Executive Police Department with the transfer of an extract from the report of the head of the Caucasian region on the relief of residents of the city of Stavropol in the apartment service |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 748. The case of the executive discharge transferred by the department of the police department from the all -depth report of the Moscow Civil Governor on the subject of appeal in the cities of the Moscow province of natural sedimentary deduction in monetary |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 749. The case of the executive discharge transferred by the Office of the Police Department from the all -depth report consisting of the Olonets Civil Governor on the subject of classification of heating and coverage of the barracks in Petrozavodsk |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 75. The case in relation to the office of the Department of the Executive Police with extracts from the report of Governor General Prince Dolgorukov: a) on the increase in the provinces entrusted to him by the number of deposits with the assignment of the ninth grade by him;b) about changed |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 750. The case in relation to the commander of a separate corps of the internal guard that the Zemstvo police immediately, upon arrival on the vacation of officers, are allowed to know the local authorities of the internal guard, as well as about those who will remain after the deadline for the deadline |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 751. The case in relation to the manager of the military ministry of the highest command to deduct the premises for storing various commissariate things from abolished reserve battalions of the remaining |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 752. The case on the highest command reported by the Minister of Military for the exact performance of the civil authorities of the duties assigned to them in the Regulation on indefinitely vacationing lower ranks |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 753. The case by decree of the government Senate about the work of the fourth private next set from the provinces of the western strip of the empire, from a thousand souls for five recruits |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 754. The case in relation to the chief controlled by the second branch of the office of His Majesty, on the appointment of an official from the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the recruitment committee |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 755. The case in relation to the manager of the military ministry on the procurement of half a buzz and other clothes for the recruit of the fourth private set from the provinces of the western strip of the empire |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 756. The case on the highest command reported by the Minister of War of the distribution to the provinces attributed to the first Moscow Cadet Corps, laid down in the 724th article of the third volume of continuation of the Code of Military Resolutions regarding the payment of Den |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 757. The case in relation to the commissariat department on the production of apartment money to officials of the Vitebsk military hospital |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 758. The case on the representation of the military and civilian governors of the Oryols about whether there should be found and receives when admitting to recruitment to ask for consent to their educators |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 759. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance on the delivery of an opinion on the exception from the arrears, according to the manifesto of 1841, from small owners and villages of 83, 84 and 85 sets, recruitment wirewater money |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 76. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of an opinion on the subject of a change in the procedure in the production of cases and the consequences of the judicial police and the St. Petersburg Dobroity Administration |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 760. The case in relation to the Kazan military governor about what kind of improved life peasants are obliged to food for the established fee and passing military ranks |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 761. The case in relation to the Governor-General of the Ostsee provinces about the spread of some articles of the recruiting charter about the return to the recruitment of vicious of them |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 762. The case on the highest command reported by the Minister of War of the Retrutskiy Cossacks from the Little Russian Cossacks of the Poltava and Chernihiv provinces |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 763. The case on the order of his imperial highness of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich to issue money to the soldiers of the Guards Cavalry and Artillery instead of pastures of money |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 764. The case on the highest command reported by the Minister of War of the Removing of a convenient premises for sick cantonists of local battalions in the Perm province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 765. The case of the representation of the Saratov Civil Governor on the relief of the inhabitants of the city of Volsk from the military stand |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 766. The case in relation to the director of the company to insure life and other urgent income and capital on the procedures for insured pensions in favor of recruits on special conditions |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 767. The case on the Bludov discharge from the magazine of the recruitment committee, regarding the execution of recruitment service by the next families, arbitrarily separated from the magazine |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 768. The case in relation to the member of the Department of Belongs of the Privy Advisor Mavrin that hunters who enter the recruits for the family of specific peasants were not accepted in the recruitment presence without the knowledge of the specific administration |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 769. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 77. The case in relation to the Minister of Justice with the protest of the Astrakhan provincial prosecutor, against the disposal of the local provincial rule on the subject of the issuance of Gof Makintsov books for a note in them of various obligations |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 770. The case in relation to the economic department on the liberation of the city of Troitsk for five years from the apartment service |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 771. The case in relation to the military minister about the delivery of a conclusion about the misunderstanding in the Estland province regarding the seniority of places occupied in the provincial recruitment presence of his members |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 772. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance on the delivery of an imprisonment whether foreigners who have entered the Russian citizenship, consisting in the philistine rank, leave citizenship and go forever abroad without fulfilling the recruitment service |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 773. The case in relation to the Minister of Justice with the protest of the Bialystok regional prosecutor about the incorrect name belonging to the Countess of the Nesolovskaya village Grodek, with the permission to live in it Jews |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 774. The case on the Adjutant General Count Kleinmichel of the all-depth complaint of the ordinary Kuzmin about the oppression |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 775. The case of the revision of the Arkhangelsk province in two volumes |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 775. The case of the revision of the Arkhangelsk province in two volumes |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 776. The case of the audit of the Tver province (reviews of public places) |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 777. The case of the revision of the Ryazan province in two volumes.Chekushin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 777. The case of the revision of the Ryazan province by the state adviser Bakunin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 778. The case of the revision of the Pskov province in two volumes |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 778. The Case of the Revision of the Pskov Province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 779. The case against Count Benckendorf with the transmission of complaints from the inhabitants of the city of Khmelnik to various abuses of the local police chief of Rachevsky and the clergyman of the secret.Immediately and by decree of the government Senate about the same subject |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 78. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 780. The case by decree of the Governmental Senate on the petitions of the former Kostroma police chief Podgorny, complaining of removal and legend to the court |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 781. The case by decree of the Governmental Senate, according to the petition of the Orenburg Civil Chamber of Fedorovsky for the tradition of his court of the Criminal Chamber for offensive expressions against the head of the province and evasion of the order of his |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 782. The case on the proposal of the Vyatka Civil Governor of the dismissal of Major Gorbachev from the post of Kotelnik Zemstvo police officer |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 783. The case in relation to the Minister of Justice about the protest of the Grodno provincial prosecutor about the riots on the Mclar Books in the city of Brest and the illegal assumption of their Jew Dilon |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 784. The case in relation to the economic department with the adoption of the instruction to officials sent to the viewing of cities |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 785. The point in relation to Count Benckendorf about the riots and abuses in the city of Nerchinsk and its district |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 786. The matter in relation to Count Benckendorf about the riots and abuses in the city of Nerchinsk and his district from the local authorities.Immediately according to the denunciations of the former Yakut regional sheeps of Osipov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 787. The case on the proposal of the Arkhangelsk Civil Governor on the tradition of the Kholmogorsk Zemstvo court of the police officer Novoselov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 788. The case of the report of the Velsky district leader of the nobility about the complaints of the landlord peasants of this county about the shy actions of the exciters |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 789. 26 l. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 79. The case in relation to Governor General Mirkovich about the appropriation of the additional amount, for the maintenance of the Bialystok regional government in the amount assigned to the normal state |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 790. The case in relation to the Department of General Affairs for transferring to Senator Peshchurov, appointed to revisive the Orenburg province and to study the actions of the local civil governor Taltsin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 791. The case in relation to the first branch of the Department of the Executive Police with a note by the clerk of Verkhovsky about the abuses of the Berdichev police |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 792. The case by decree of the Government Senate with a passage to conclude a report of the Moscow provincial rule on the trial of the criminal chamber of members of the second department of the Moscow magistrate for the riots and omissions discovered in it |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 793. The case of the petition of the veterinarian Yezhov with a complaint against the official of special assignments at the St. Petersburg military governor, Lieutenant Colonel Andreev, about the slow and preferential production of their case about covering the bailiff of his som's wife, Hebral |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 794. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg Military General General on the complaint of the invaders of the inns of the shy actions of the St. Petersburg police |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 795. The case in relation to the second branch of the Department of the Police of Executive on the riots in the Mogilev province and the incorrect conclusion of the deficiency from the formular list of an adviser to the local provincial rule of smooth, and about various riots of Mogilev |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 796. The case of the request of the wife of the college secretary of Sutkovskaya with a complaint about the private bailiff of the third Admiralty part about the incorrect actions of his and the apartment warder of Constanta |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 797. The City of the Provincial Secretary Guryev with a complaint against the St. Petersburg provincial rule for the incorrect detachment of him from the post of public notary |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 798. The case in relation to the office of the Department of Police Executive with the statement of the real state adviser Ceidler about the riots in the Mogilev province of the city police |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 799. The case in relation to the Minister of Justice with the protest of the Pskov provincial prosecutor in the case of concealing the estate of the titular adviser of television.Here is her complaint |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 8. The request of the son of a factory priest, about his determination to the Department of Police of Executive |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 80. The case in relation to the head of the Caucasian region, about the abandonment of police servants appointed from the troops of the Caucasian region of the lower ranks and on the approval of the police states for the cities of the Caucasian about |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 800. The case in relation to the economic department of different riots of the Saratov province found on the revision of the Saratov Denfer |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 801. The case on the representation of the Simbirsk Civil Governor of the Complement of the Reprimand of the Stavropol Zemstvo police officer Antipiev without the demand of an explanation from him |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 802. The case of the review of the present places of the Tambov province, subordinate to the Ministry of the Interior, the State Advisor Buldakov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 803. The case in relation to the first branch of the Department of the Executive Police about the work on the highest command of the study on the complaint of the Taganrog Politzmaster Colonel Slivitsky and the audit of the present places of the Taganrog cityword.With the arrival |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 803. The case in relation to the first branch of the Department of the Executive Police about the work on the highest command of the study on the complaint of the Taganrog Politzmaster Colonel Slivitsky and the audit of the present places of the Taganrog cityword.With the arrival |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 804. The case on the representation of the Simbirsk civilian governor about the slowness of the Buinsky Zemstvo police officer Shoshin at the end of the murder case, in the recovery of arrears and arrangement of bridges, and the failure of Shoshin to him during the revision of the Zemsky court |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 805. The case at the request of the former clerk of the Bobrovsky city police Maximov with a complaint about the abuse of the service of the local town Major Metsger |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 806. The case in relation to the Department of General Affairs of Bloom -Holy Acts in various cases of the Gorodnyansk Zemstvo police officer Simanovsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 807. The case of the opening of the Yaroslavl and Kostroma provinces, Major General Baratynsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 808. The case of the review of the office work of the present places of the department of the Ministry of the Interior in the Grodno province by the college adviser Kozhin |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 809. Russian |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 81. The case on the proposal of his high -abundance of Mr. Minister of Internal Affairs on the transfer to the economic department of cases of tavern institutions and targeted expeditions |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 810. The case in relation to the economic department with the decree of the government Senate on the former members of the Tobolsk General Police Council: Politzmista Alekseev and others, and about the riots admitted to the council from 1826 to 1836 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 811. The case, at the request of the trustee from the provincial secretary of the Vilnius, titular adviser to Kozlovsky, complaining of the slowness of the Kirensky district court and the Penza provincial rule in satisfying the principal of it with 60 thousand rubles following him. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 812. The case in relation to the state secretary of Taneyev about the delivery of information about distillery and the number of wine smoked on them.Immediately a circular on this subject |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 813. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg Guardian Council on the sale in the Mogilev provincial rule of the estate of Mr. Vizhinsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 814. The case at the request of the tailor of the master Karl Distfeldt and the economy of the Reformed Church of Ivan Shilling on the recovery of Merzheevsky money from the chamber of the Merzheevsky money due |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 815. The case of the debts of Lieutenant Count Hippolytus Kutaisov Count Glinka, Countess Kutisova and to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher of the Lord |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 816. The case at the request of the provincial secretary of Ulasevich to recover 1300 rubles from the landowner Novosiltsev from the landowner of Novosiltsev. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 817. The case of the slow execution of the decree of the government Senate, regarding the demarcation of the land at the request of the village of Bogoyavlensky, the old Main, too, Stavropol district and neighboring owners |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 818. The case of the debts of the merchant goncabach to different persons |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 819. The case on the note of the Kobert nobleman about the incorrect possession of the heirs of General Polish troops of the door, subject to confiscation for his participation in the rebellion |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 82. The case in relation to the economic department about the construction of a police department in Kaa Caus |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 820. 27 l. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 821. The case on the complaint of the landowner Kozhanovskaya about the slow satisfaction of her claim on the landowner Vakhitsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 822. The case of the petition of the merchant son of Krasilnikov about the theft by an official of the twelfth grade by Koronov’s father in his father 13725 rubles by banknotes |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 823. The case in relation to the Minister of State Property on Deadments issued to the peasants from the address offices |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 824. The case in relation to Count Benckendorf about the act of Lieutenant Kozhin when paying money to the girl Slavina according to the highest command |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 825. The City of the Provincial Secretary of Khodkevich about the recovery from Count Ivelich in a borrowed letter of money |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 826. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance about the supervision of the correct industry tobacco.Immediately circular to the governors |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 827. The case on the note of the Friedrichsgamsky merchant Lazarev on assistance to the speedy end of the St. Petersburg Conservation of his dean of his affairs of monetary penalties |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 828. The case at the request of the Obvornaya Advisor Glinka about the speedy recovery of Vitebsk attended places of 10400 rubles in a nut to be a nut of 10400 rubles |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 829. The City of the Provincial Secretary Maltsev about the recovery of money from Vasilyeva on a borrowed letter |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 83. The case in relation to Governor General Dyakov on the appointment of the amount for maintaining a police and fire brigade in the city |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 830. The case by decree of the Government Senate on publication in the provincial statements of the sale of property, response of 1843 No. 2934 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 831. The case of the request of the official of special instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Eyukov on the sale of the house of the merchant of the Anchorzhberg and the recovery from the Jew Belazer and the tradesman Sheverin of money |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 832. The case of the petition of the actual state adviser Alalykina, on the issuance of a peasant by her carp Ivanov, for 70 thousand rubles found by Ivanov, was left without consequences |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 833. The City of the College Assessor of Ukhtomsky on the sale of the house of Colonel Shakobent for the debt of Ukhtomsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 834. The case at the request of the Obvornaya Advisor Glinka to recover from the estate of the deceased Colonel Grave on a borrowed letter for paying retired 4193 rubles by banknotes |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 835. The case of the Meshchanka Nikolaeva about the Daith of Naryshkin and Lieutenant Grishchenko of three thousand rubles with banknotes. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 836. The case in relation to the Minister of Justice on the Regulations of office work in the Mogilev Provincial Board and the means to end the cases accumulated in it |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 837. The case at the request of the main overseer of the Dadidov institution Davidovicheva, complaining about the slowness of the St. Petersburg Dead Board, in the case of the recovery of interest to her from a retired clerk Jacobson |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 838. The case at the request of Hesse Darmstad citizen Straukh about the recovery of money from an official of Nabokov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 839. The case in relation to Count Protasov about the origin of the non-commissioned officer of Kozhin and about other objects |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 84. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 840. The case at the request of the merchant Malevich to recover money from different persons |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 841. The case at the request of the widow of Lieutenant Colonel Elistratov to recover her from the bourgeois of Vilkevskoy money |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 842. The case at the request of the bourgeois of Sedova, on the recovery of money from the Vilnius vice-governor of Navrozov.Immediately about the recovery of money from him in favor of an official of the twelfth grade of Pavelvsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 843. The case at the request of the eighth grade official De-Lukini, in the case of her with the state adviser Aladov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 844. The case at the request of the tradesman of the thermal on the recovery of money from the landowner Grinevich |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 845. The case at the request of the girl Fedotova about the demand from Tolobukhin of things and money |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 846. The case at the request of the merchant Dobrynin to recover the actual state adviser Vasiliev money from the wife |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 847. The case of the request of the College Secretary of Moskalev to recover from the heirs of the college secretary of the Kishensky money |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 848. The case of the relationship of the chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod on the fulfillment of the requirements of the Minsk Spiritual Consistory |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 849. The City of the Fleet’s daughter Commissioner Kalugina, on slowness, on the recovery of bills from officials of Grushkovsky, Belyaevsky and exported money |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 85. The case by decree of the Government Senate on restoring the conclusion of the posts of the posts of maclers and notaries on the town halls in the Izmail City City |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 850. The case of a widow, a foreigner Benchini on the recovery of 1,500 rubles from the actual state adviser Lachinov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 851. The petition of Hanover's citizen Karl Miller on the recovery of 500 rubles from the Olviopol merchant of the Zludovsky by the Olviopol |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 852. The request of the nobleman Christmodulo of the recovery of Princess Muruzi and her daughter, for the petition for their affairs, the following money |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 853. The City of the Foreigner Barteling about the recovery of 55 rubles from captain Ginter |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 854. The case of the petition of the college registrar Viryazov on the recovery of his Polevodin money from Prince Obolensky to the principal |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 855. The case in relation to the chancellor of Russian imperial and royal orders with a list of gentlemen, which contains arrears of one -time money on the Order of St. Stanislav |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 856. The case in relation to the Chancellor of the Russian imperial and tsarist orders for the recovery of money from different persons for the orders of St. Vladimir |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 857. The case of the petitions of Major Fon-Llard and Colonel Karpov about the recovery of 1,500 rubles from an official of Kulebyakin from an official of Kulebyakin on a borrowed letter |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 858. The proceedings at the request of the guardian over the estate of the daughters of the deceased Major Kirillov Gubern Secretary of Chulitsky, to recover money from the landowner Enko |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 859. The case in relation to the Chernihiv, Poltava and Kharkov General Governor General on borrowing the amount from zemstvo fees for the construction of committees for observing the chattering sale of hot drinks |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 86. The case in relation to the third branch of the Department of Police Executive about the transfer of county management from the city of Orgeev to the town of Teleneste of the Bessarabian region and the donation of Mrs. Balm 27 thousand rubles for the construction of a building in the city |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 860. The case on the appointment on the basis of the highly approved on June 4, 1842 rules on the sale of hot drinks, members to committees and deputies for the supervision of the sale of wine |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 861. The case of the report of the Vilnius military governor about measures for the sale of hot drinks in the Grodno province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 862. The case of the harassment of the Jews of the cities of Slutsk and Nesvizh and the towns of Berdichev, Drui, the High, the Mira, the Weskhonov and the Slogov about the allowing them to sell hot drinks, regardless of the owners of the indicated cities and towns |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 863. The case of wholesale the sale of hot drinks in forty buckets |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 863. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance on the execution of the highly approved rules on the sale of hot drinks, in places of free sale, at certain prices and the provision on the levy of excise taxes from the establishments and places of subcontracting sale of their |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 864. Delo for the decree of the Government Senate, with the report of the Smolensk provincial rule, on the estate of the local philistine Shchedrin in the estate of the local philistine |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 865. The case in relation to Count Nesselrode, about the Statan Councilor of Gulianov, who died in Nice |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 866. The case of Countess Malakhovskaya, who died in Paris, nee Princess Sangushko |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 867. The case of delivering books of judicial urge to be in St. Petersburg to a trading house Meyer Brinken and Ka ° and a Tsenka and Kolya trading house in Moscow.The judicial call from Polish remained in the case |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 868. The case in relation to Count Nesselrode about finding a certain Alexander Pogozhev |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 869. The case of a decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of an opinion on the case of the wrong one, as if recovery from the Jews of the town of Chernobyl Chinsch and the gross fee in favor of the savings of Count Khodkevich |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 87. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of an opinion on the complaint of the Provincial Registrar Neolenkov against the Kharkov provincial rule for his failure in the service in the staff of the Izyum Zemsky Court, on the occasion of his being under court |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 870. The case of the recovery of money from the merchant Tychinkin (by contracts) |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 871. The case of eight all -in -law requests of Plutsatinsky and others, about the recovery of money from different persons |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 872. The case of the money returned to members of the Tula city police, collected from them for hiding the transfer in 1838 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 873. 95 l. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 874. The case in relation to Mr. Vice-Chancellor Count Nesselrode about the monetary claims of the people's merchants Alexander and Bobrand, submitted to the Baroness of Soldiers, Countess Senyavina and other persons |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 875. The case in relation to the Vice-Chancellor of Count Nesselrode, about the opening of the place of stay of a foreigner Joseph Oniibeni |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 876. The case in relation to the Kyiv Civil Governor, about the deceased Prussian citizen Mikhail Petrashevsky and the property remaining after him |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 877. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 878. The case in relation to the Department of General Affairs of the Ministry on the delivery of considerations and conclusions on the question: what to do with such immovable property, which is unprotected, but being sent on bail on contracts and deliveries with the treasury, but in a h. |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 879. The case in relation to the Odessa military governor about the death of the Turkish subject of Greek, a native of the city of Ahim, the Black Worker Sterio Stano |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 88. Russian |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 880. The case in relation to the Department of General Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the claim of the merchant Meibaum to Prince Dolgorukov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 881. The case at the request of the widow of the St. Petersburg Third Guild of the merchant Pelagei Troshneva for non-fulfillment by the Options Countess Panina of the contract for the maintenance of the cast-iron foundation |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 882. The case in relation to Mr. Vice-Chancellor about the delivery of lists of French subjects living in Russia |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 883. The death of the guard Captain Charikov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 884. The case on the representation of the Chernigov Civil Governor about the permitting of the family of the deceased foreigner Ivan Skode living in Russia to remain Austrian subjects |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 885. The case of the Senate decree on the recovery from the merchants of Savelyev-Starkov and other debt to a commercial bank |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 886. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of a conclusion on how to deal with a manor place in the city of Kursk, local trades of the mad |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 887. The case of the death of a foreigner De-Gross |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 888. The case of the Senate decree on the satisfaction of the debt to the Semitian Society from the estate of the landowner Budzishevsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 889. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the recovery of the former adviser to the St. Petersburg provincial rule of the quiet 13803 rubles 7 ½ kopecks |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 89. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg Military Governor General about the publication of a new state project for the Oranienbaum police |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 890. The case of the recovery from the nobleman Krotkov.Count Nesselrrian No. 1050 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 891. The case in relation to the Vice Chancellor Count Nesselrode about the death of the outbuilding adviser Teplyakov |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 892. The case of embezzlement for the Kirensky police department of the amount of the officials of regimental |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 893. The case in relation to the medical department of the military ministry on the opening of the place of stay of the doctor Grigory Pokrovsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 894. The case in relation to the Minister of Education on finding the court adviser Chevkin and the Hungarian merchant Mikel and the recovery of a fine from them |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 895. The case on the order of the master of the Minister of Internal Affairs on the verification of the accounting of the St. Petersburg Deanery Administration.Appendix to part 2 |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 895. The case of the verification of cattle breeding of the St. Petersburg Deanery Administration with the actual state adviser Yakovlev |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 895. The case of the verification of the accounting of the St. Petersburg Princes of Deanery with the actual state adviser Yakovlev |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 896. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance on the embezzlement of the amounts of the former treasurer of the Kharkov Gradsky police Olkhovsky |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 897. Notes of different persons about the state of the St. Petersburg Deanery Council and with plans for its transformations (transferred to a special office in 1843) |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 9. The case of the magazines of the Chief Minister of Internal Affairs and the director of the executive police department, on the placement of officials in full -time places and on the increase in their salary |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 90. The case of carelessness, negligence and other illegal actions of the Luga Zemstvo police officer Major Ghosts |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 91. The case of the presentation of the Irkutsk civilian governor about the construction of the fire department in the cities of the Irkutsk province and the Yakut region |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 92. The case in relation to Governor General Prince Dolgorukov that the pre-trial detention centers located under the Kharkov city police are present in the police constantly, instead of private bailiffs |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 93. RGIA |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 94. The case against Count Essen, about the establishment of a special table at the office of the St. Petersburg Civil Governor for the production of income in the city of St. Petersburg |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 95. The case in relation to the economic department with the adoption of papers about the construction of the fire department of the city of Nikolaev |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 95. The case in relation to the economic department with the transfer of the military governor of the city of Orel, on the subject of establishing a fine from local inhabitants, for non -compliance with caution with fire in houses |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 96. The case on the complaint of the landowners of the Kiev province of Mazariki, to the local provincial authorities for applying to the peasants of their maintenance of the Makhnovsky police with a fire brigade, and on the use of a collection of bills and borrowed in the ownership cities of the Kiev province |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 97. The case of discharge from the journal of the Committee of the Ministers of the Ministers, on the assignment of the rights of the public service of the position of the economy of the prison castle and the caretaker of the prison hospital in St. Petersburg and on the enrollment of the eighth grade of the time of his time in this debt |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 98. The case in relation to the General of the Governor of Eastern Siberia on the provision of officials to the head of Kamchatka there are officials to resign as their sophisticated years |
РГИА. 1286 / 8 / 99. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of an opinion on the complaint of the college secretary of Krivoshey against the Chernihiv provincial rule for the wrong one as if his dismissal from the position of the backbone |