The transformation of the judiciary institutions in the process of consolidating the hybrid political regime (for example, the C...

Grigoryev, Ivan SergeevichThe transformation of the judiciary institutions in the process of consolidating the hybrid political regime (for example, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation): Author of Dis.On Soi.Uch.step.candidate of political sciences: specialty / Grigoryev Ivan Sergeevich;[Place of protection: "Higher School of Economics"].- Moscow, 2017. -30 p.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.29 (5 names)..1. Power (collection).2. Political institutions, processes and technologies.3. State and law.Legal sciences - state (constitutional) law - the Russian Federation - constitutional supervision - the constitutional court.4. Social sciences as a whole - sociology - social institutions - political institutions - state, power, politics.BBK 67.400.12 (2ros) I031Electronic copy source: HSE.Website
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