The constitutional foundations of state planning of economic development of the Russian Federation

Kurbatov, Ilya Alekseevich (cand. Law. Sciences).The constitutional foundations of the state planning of the economic development of the Russian Federation: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences: specialty 12.00.02 - constitutional law;constitutional trial;municipal law / Kurbatov Ilya Alekseevich;[Feder.state.aut.Education.institution high.Education "National Study. University" Higher.ShK.Economics "]. - Moscow, 2017. -29 p.; 21 cm .. -Place of protection: "Higher School of Economics".Bibliography: p.28-29 (5 names) and in the tune.Note..-100 copies..1. The people (collection).2. Constitutional law;constitutional trial;Municipal law.BBK 67.400.21ya031Electronic copy source: HSE.Website
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