Improving the mechanisms of interaction between authorities and business during the implementation of public-private partnership...

Shakirov, Timur AbbyasovichImproving the mechanisms of interaction between government and business bodies in the implementation of public-private partnership projects in the communal sector: Author of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences: Specialty 08.00.05 / Shakirov Timur Abbyasovich;[Place of protection: "Higher School of Economics"].- Moscow, 2015. -30 p.: Il.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.29-30 (11 names)..1. Power (collection).2. Economics and management of the national economy.BBK 67.401.115.3y031BBK 66.033.1y031BBK 60.561.322y031BBK 60.561.22ya031Electronic copy source: HSE.Website
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