The artistic originality of the Russian folk costume of the Central Black Earth Region (based on the material of the Lipetsk reg...

Pavlova, Olga Sergeevna (candidate of art history).The artistic originality of the Russian folk costume of the Central Black Earth Region (based on the material of the Lipetsk region): abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of art history: specialty 17.00.04 / Pavlova Olga Sergeyevna;Mosk.state.artist.University named afterS.G.Stroganova.- Moscow, 2015. -35 p.;21 cm .. -Place of protection: Mosk.state.artist.University named afterS.G.Stroganova.- List of works Auth.: P.33-35 (15 names)..1. The people (collection).2. Territory of Russia: Lipetsk region (collection).3. The year of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia (collection).4. Fine and decorative art and architecture.5. Russian costume - Lipetsk region - author of dissertations.BBK 63.521 (= 411.2) -426ya031BBK 63.529 (2ros-4lip) -426ya031Electronic copy source: MGHPA named afterS. G. Stroganova.Website
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