Organizational and methodological tools for ensuring economic security through the prism of identification and development of th...

Yatsur, Anna VladimirovnaOrganizational and methodological tools for ensuring economic security of the territory through the prism of identification and development of the middle class: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences: specialty 08.00.05 / Yatsur Anna Vladimirovna;[Tamb.state.University named afterG. R. Derzhavin].- Tambov, 2013. -25 p.: silt.;21. -Bibliography: p.24-25 (12 names)..-150 copies.Ex..1. The people (collection).2. Power (collection).3. Economics and management of the national economy in industries and areas of activity.BBK 65.050.17y031BBK 65.9 (2ros) -983y031Source of an electronic copy: Tambov GU.Website
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