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The all-depth report of the Adjutant General Balashov of June 19, 1824 on the transformation of management in the provinces entrusted to him.a) the draft rules of the provincial administration, submitted by Balashov Emperor Alexander I at the report of June 9, 1824.b) the letter of the Minister of Internal Affairs Count Zakrevsky to Count Kochubey of August 18, 1831 about the Balashov project.c) the draft comments of Count Zakrevsky on the Balashov project, marked on August 18, 1831.d) the opinion of the Minister of Finance D.A.Guryev about the project of the institution about the governors reported to him at the highest command on December 16, 1817.e) objection of M.M.Speransky on the opinion of Guryev.E) Black with the all -depth notes of the Count Kochubey.g) preliminary discussions about the transformation of the provincial administration.h) a note by the Count Kochubey, beginning with the words: "Is it possible to establish on the counties of civilians (Juge de Paix)" |