Identifier 385e9097-69b8-4648-9bdd-e8f2c63f7968 Title Work G.A.Vlasyeva on the history of the Rurikovich of the IX-XII century (Rurik, Igor, Vladimir Svyatoslavich, Vladimir Monomakh and others) Dates 1886 Notes Materials for the work of Gennady Alexandrovich Vlasyev "Disruption of Rurik."Rurik and his immediate offspringDraft, notebook Text language Russian Level Case Call number РГИА. 957 / 1 / 4 Cataloguing source RGIA Series FundF. 957. Vlasyev Gennady Alexandrovich (1842-1912), Lieutenant General, GenealogInventoryRGIA.F. 957 op.1Work G.A.Vlasyeva on the history of Russian noble clans.1886-1905IdentifierBB40AD27-423C-4FB8-ABE9-C40B6CA0B2AAThe language of the textrusDates1886-1905Volume44 storage unitsLevelInventoryannotationAnnotation.Materials to the works of G.A.Vlasyeva: On the history of the family of Vlasyevs;Materials and drafts of the work "The offspring of Rurik" (princes of Chernihiv, princes of Galician and Vladimir-Volyn, Princes of Smolensk).Genealogy tables of Russian noble clansOrganization-Creanter of RecordingRGIAStorage cipherRGIA.957 /1 Extent 31 l. Fonds Vlasyev Gennady Alexandrovich (1842-1912), Lieutenant General, Genealog Display format Archival description RUSMARC