Title | Letter [Princess Elizabeth Grigoryevna Volkonskaya (born of the brightest princess Volkonskaya)] pope for the Roman Pius of Catholicism and Orthodoxy |
Series | Personal documents of the Volkonsky.Correspondence S.G.Volkonsky, his wife M.H.(born of Raevskaya) and other Volkonsky about the life of the Decembrists at the Petrovsky factory, about personal and family affairs.Materials about property and economy in Nizhny Novgorod, Tambov and Yaroslavsk |
Fonds | Volkonsky, princes, Grigory Semenovich (1742-1824), Orenburg governor general, member of the State Council;Sergey Grigoryevich (1788-1865), his son, Decembrist, member of the Southern Society;Mikhail Sergeevich (1832-1909), his grandson, comrade of the Minister of People's |
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