Botanical educational excursions in the vicinity of the city of Simferopol.Ext.1

Yanata, A.A.Botanical educational excursions in the vicinity of the city of Simferopol.- Simferopol: [B.I.], 1913. -Scanning was made at the expense of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of a civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund..1. Territory (collection).Source of an electronic copy: Foundation of the Festival "Palaces of St. Petersburg"Original storage location: Evpatoria Central BankExt.1: from 52 Fig.In the text and 10 det.phototypes / Crimean Oil of Naturalists and Nature Lovers.- Type.Tavrich.lips.Zemstvo, 1913. -[2], 81 p., 10 l.Il.: silt .. -Scanning was made at the expense of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of a civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.Ex.: Without region..I. The Crimean Oil of Naturalists and Fans of Nature (Simferopol) .1.Territory (collection).Source of an electronic copy: Foundation of the Festival "Palaces of St. Petersburg"Original storage location: Evpatoria Central Bank
Publisher Тип. Таврич. губ. земства

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