Documents on service and correspondence I.G.Shcheglovitova.Notes, reports of different persons and other documents on events in ...

Identifier 4462390e-833d-4e97-a0a4-e6f3c428b3a3
Title Documents on service and correspondence I.G.Shcheglovitova.Notes, reports of different persons and other documents on events in connection with the outbreak of the First World War, on elections to the State Council and the State Duma, on the consideration of various bills in them;on the trials of various persons accused of political crimes and military espionage;About the revolutionary movement in Poland (1906).Letters of different persons
Dates 1882
Text language Russian
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 1675 / 1
Cataloguing source RGIA
Extent 58 units.
Fonds Щегловитов Иван Григорьевич
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 1. Materials to the Basic Laws of the Council of Ministers
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 10. A copy of the Decree of the Government Senate on Elections to the State Council
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 11. A copy of the report of the Minister of Internal Affairs to the Government Senate on the position of elections to the State Duma
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 12. Letter of the chief control of his own imperial majesty A. Taneyev Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov with the application of the list of decree of Emperor Nicholas II to the Government Senate on the award of I.G.Shcheglovitova in real secret
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 13. Order of Emperor Nicholas II on the production of the Minister of Justice and Member of the State Council Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov to the actual secret advisers
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 14. Letter of the Chairman of the Construction Committee for the construction of the temple in St. Petersburg - a monument of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanovs of the Romanovs Shcheglovitov House with the Appendix of the Certificate of Glating High
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 15. The appeal of representatives of "German science and art of the cultural world" regarding its accusation of the undertaking of war and the response of representatives of Russian science on this issue
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 16. Pamphole V.T.Sudeikin about Prince Oleg Konstantinovich
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 17. RGIA
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 18. I.G.Shcheglovitova "The influence of foreign legislation on the preparation of court charters on November 20, 1864"
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 19. Open letter of Alexander Petrovich Modestov to members of the State Council on mobilization in the army
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 2. "Memory of the Council of Ministers on the issue of facilitating the fate of persons who have committed state crimes"
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 20. Report of a member of the Economic Commission of the Permanent Council N.N.Pokrovsky at the XI Congress of the Permanent Council of the United Noble Society "On the conditions of the development of our export"
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 21. "Report on the methods of execution by the rural population of the upcoming agricultural work this year"
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 22. The income letter of the State Chancellery with the application of copies of notes of the military ministry "On the establishment of liability of the owners of industrial institutions for the non -fulfillment of the obligations assigned to them the rules on procurement in the military in the military
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 23. The transient letter of Eropopin, the Tula Provincial leader of the nobility, Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov with the application of a copy of the telegram of the meeting of the leaders and deputies of the nobility of the Tula province about the loyal feelings and a copy of
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 24. Considerations of the Ministry of Trade and Industry "on the draft rules on the elimination of trading enterprises belonging to the subjects of the powers of the powers with Russia"
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 25. The stenographic reports of the State Council of the XI session of the third and fifth meetings
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 26. A certificate compiled by the State Chancellery "On the size of the contingent of recruits in 1915"
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 27. Considerations of the State Bank on the expansion of the right to issue state credit tickets provided by the State Bank
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 28. Certificate issued by the Council of Ministers to the Minister of Justice Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov on the granting of a light bronze medal for him to complete the assignment on the general mobilization of 1914
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 29. The address presented by the archive of the Ministry of Justice Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 3. Materials to reports of the Council of Ministers
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 30. Notification of the Chairman of the State Council with the application of documents on the extension of the powers of members of the State Council, the provinces of the Kingdom of Poland elected by landowners
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 31. Amendment of members of the State Council S.S.Manukhina and A.S.Stishinsky to the draft law on a temporary retreat from the rules of the Council of Councils from farmers in the provinces of the Kingdom of Poland established by the State Council established in the institution of the State Council
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 32. Notification of the Chairman of the State Council on the meeting of the meeting with the application of a certificate on the composition of the Standing Commission of the State Council and the application of thirty -three members of the State Council and the desirability of the publication of the Law regarding the extension
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 33. Report of the comrade chairman A.I.Mosolov at the XI Congress of the Permanent Council of the United Noble Society on the termination of the sale of vodka
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 34. Glavnivz
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 35. Pre -conducting letter of the Minister of Railways S.V.Rukhlova to Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov with the application of the magazine "Water Roads and Highway Roads"
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 36. A copy of the consideration of the Main Directorate of the General Staff on the establishment of military censorship with the application of a copy of the nominal high decree and a copy of the temporary provision on military censorship
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 37. The transient letter of the State Chancellery with the application of the Chancellery of the Military Ministry of the Military Ministry of the Regulation on the Regulation on the Combination of Events on the Defense of the State and the Notes of the State Bank on the expansion of the prevention
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 38. A certificate of submission to the legislative establishments of the bill on the draft of warriors of the second category
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 39. Notification of the Chairman of the State Council with the application of a report on the replacement of members of Birilev, Kulomzin and Polivanov from the financial commission of members
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 4. RGIA
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 40. Printing N. von Ditmar on the formation of the economic commission of the State Council
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 41. Letters (illegible signature) to Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov with the application of draft notes regarding the Duma editorial office of the Regulation on the state income tax
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 42. 42
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 43. Printing laws and certificates "On some financial measures due to the circumstances of the wartime"
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 44. Certificate "On the progress of the release of the Decree of the State Duma of December 1, 1910 on the reject of the articles of the first and second issued temporary law on the further preservation of some temporary measures regarding the assumption of foreign
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 45. Printing Report of the Permanent Council to the XI Congress of the Authorized United Noble Societies about their actions
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 46. Letter of Prince Abamelik-Lazarev to Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 47. Letter to Maria Akimova to Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 48. RGIA
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 49. Black letter of Nikolai Avksentievich Manasein Yegor Pavlovich Staritsky about the assumption of the Vendrih Dmitry von Drilov and the court adviser Nikolai Nikolaevich Buldakov, who were allowed for the revision of the Livonia and Courland provinces,
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 5. Letter of a member of the Council, Minister of the Interior I. Gurland to Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov, with the application of newspaper cuts on the abolition of laws on military fields in Russia
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 50. Letter of Mikhail Osipovich Menshikov to Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov with the application of the memo on the establishment of the imperial order of the Holy Equal -to -the -Apostles Grand Duchess Olga Russian
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 51. The letter of Countess Sofia [Andreevna] Tolstoy to Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov with the application of the newspaper "Russian Word" No. 219, the article "Marriage of L.N. Tolstoy" from the notes of the countess S.A.Tolstoy
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 52. Letter (signature is not clear) to the Minister of Justice Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 53. Telegram and letters of the Minister of Justice Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov to Dmitry Vladimirovich Tsvetaev - director of the archive of the Ministry of Justice
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 54. Tsvetaeva telegram - director of the Archive of the Ministry of Justice to Sokolov - secretary of the archive of the Ministry of Justice
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 55. Photo by S. Gorodetsky
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 56. Materials on outstanding
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 57. Materials on outstanding cases
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 58. Overview of the Polish revolutionary movement for 1906
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 6. Report, a stenographic report, certificates and notes under the legislation of the State Council
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 7. The letter issued to the Minister of Justice Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov on the granting of him the Order of the "Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir" of the 2nd degree
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 8. "Decisions of the VIII International Prison Congress, held on October 2-8 (N.S.) in 1910 in Washington"
РГИА. 1675 / 1 / 9. Letter of the chief controlled by his own imperial majesty of the Chancellery Taneyev to Ivan Grigoryevich Shcheglovitov with the application of the list (copy) of the decree of Nicholas II and the order on the appointment of Shcheglovitov by the state secretary
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